Volunteer for CAS

Our dedicated and talented volunteers inspire a culture of collaboration and passion for giving back that is unparalleled in the actuarial community.

The Volunteer Interest and Participation Survey is currently closed for maintenance.

Volunteer Hands
Volunteer Acknowledgement
Casualty Actuarial Society (“CAS”) is grateful for your willingness to serve as a volunteer. As a condition and in consideration of serving as a volunteer on a CAS committee, working group or task force, or filling a microvolunteering opportunity, the Volunteer understands the following

Why Volunteer?

There are many reasons why people like you volunteer:

  • Expanding your abilities;
  • Building a network;
  • Influencing the course of the profession;
  • And let's not forget the sheer enjoyment of it!

We're certain that one or more of these is a reason you will want to volunteer

CAS Volunteer Groups

The CAS has over 40 committees, working groups and task forces for members to volunteer.

Meet the Volunteer Resources Working Group




Learn More

How to Volunteer with the CAS

The Volunteer Interest and Participation (VIP) Survey is how the CAS recruits volunteers for committees, working groups, task forces, and microvolunteering opportunities.  Complete the VIP Survey to discover volunteer opportunities and update your areas of interests and expertise.  When new groups form or existing groups are looking to recruit, we will be using these pools to reach out, so please keep your volunteer profile updated.

how to volunteer at the CAS

Ways to Volunteer

Volunteering as a Candidate

hands raised for CAS candidate volunteers

Volunteerism is a core value of the CAS, and about one-third of CAS members volunteer for the organization each year.

Volunteering as a New Member

Volunteering as a new member at the CAS

Discover how to get involved with the CAS as a new Associate or Fellow!

Volunteer Announcements

Membership / Notices to Members, Volunteer
CAS exam sitting
Exams & Admissions, Volunteer
CAS volunteers needed
Exams & Admissions, Membership / Notices to Members, Volunteer
CAS Exams exam sitting
Membership / Notices to Members, Volunteer

Awards and Recognitions

President's Award
The President's Award is given to members of the profession who have, in the opinion of the President, made a particular and special contribution to the Casualty Actuarial Society during the President's term.
New Member Award (NMA)
Have you worked with a new CAS member who performed beyond what is reasonably expected of new members? You have a way to recognize this member and let the rest of the CAS know.
The Above and Beyond Achievement Award
Have you ever worked with a CAS volunteer who performed far beyond what was expected of him or her? Such dedication is often unnoticed outside a particular committee. But you have a way to let the rest of the CAS know.
The Matthew Rodermund Memorial Service Award
The Matthew Rodermund Memorial Service Award is intended to recognize CAS members who have made significant volunteer contributions to the actuarial profession over the course of a career.
2023 Volunteer Award Winners