
Elections Results 2024
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members
Race and Insurance Papers Phase II
CAS News, Diversity, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
RPM 2025
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members, Professional Education
Membership / Notices to Members
Last year, the CAS announced that the Board of Directors unanimously approved rescinding the three CAS Statements of Principles related to ratemaking, reserving, and valuation, for the reasons discussed therein.
Jessica Leong, Victor Carter-Bey
Membership / Notices to Members
The events of the past year have reignited calls for scrutiny on systems of racial bias and their impacts, including across various insurance industry processes and practices.
Exams & Admissions, Membership / Notices to Members
The letter below was sent to all CAS candidates earlier today in response to their concerns regarding the Spring 2021 exam sitting. As members have also contacted us with concerns, we wanted to make sure all members were aware of this information provided to candidates.
Today CAS released results from a comprehensive survey of members of CAS Student Central, the CAS’s membership program for university students, to provide insight into virtual recruitment practices. The survey, released in infographic form, provides key information for actuarial hiring managers,
Membership / Notices to Members, Professional Education
The CAS has made it easier for actuarial employers to sign up their actuarial employees for CAS webinars and at substantial savings for those companies with a large number of actuaries spread across multiple locations.
Membership / Notices to Members
The CAS releases three new entries in its Spotlight on Diversity 2020 series.
Membership / Notices to Members
The CAS Nominating Committee wants your input on the slate of candidates for the 2021 CAS elections for the Board of Directors and President-Elect. Any member may submit a nomination, and if you are a Fellow of the CAS, you are welcome to nominate yourself. The Nominating Committee will give due consideration to all nominations as it selects which candidates will be included on the 2021 CAS elections ballot.
Event Updates
2021 Seminar on Reinsurance call for presentations now available.