Dynamic Financial Analysis Prize
This award is made to the authors of the best papers submitted in response to a call for dynamic financial analysis discussion papers whenever the program is conducted by the Casualty Actuarial Society. Papers are judged by a specially appointed review committee on the basis of quality of the overall content of the paper as an advancement to the published literature on dynamic financial analysis as well as other factors. If no paper is considered eligible in a given year, the award shall not be made. The committee's decision will be final. Recipients need not be members of the Casualty Actuarial Society. The announcement of the award will be made at the Dynamic Financial Analysis Seminar at which the papers are discussed.
The amount of the Dynamic Financial Analysis Prize is determined annually.
Recipients of the Dynamic Financial Analysis Prize
The Dynamic Financial Analysis prize was discontinued in 2010
No Award
No Program Held
No Program Held
No Program Held
No Award
Lisa S. Ward and David H. Lee
"Practical Application of the Risk-Adjustment Return on Capital Framework"
John C. Burkett, Ph.D., ACAS, MAAA, Thomas S. McIntyre, FCAS, MAAA and Stephen M. Sonlin, CFA
"DFA Insurance Company Case Study, Part I Reinsurance and Asset Allocation"
Stephen W. Philbrick, FCAS, MAAA and Robert A. Painter
"DFA Insurance Company Case Study, Part II Capital Adequacy and Capital Allocation"
Elizabeth R. Wiesner, FCAS, MAAA and Charles C. Emma, FCAS, MAAA
"A Dynamic Financial Analysis Application Linked to Corporate Strategy"
Glenn G. Meyers
"Estimating Between Line Correlations Generated by Parameter Uncertainty"
Salvatore Correnti, Stephen M. Sonlin, and Daniel B. Isaac
"Applying a DFA Model To Improve Strategic Business Decisions"
Stephen P. D'Arcy, Richard W. Gorvett, Thomas E. Hettinger, and Robert J. Walling III
"Using the Public Access DFA Model: A Case Study"
Susan E. Witcraft
"Profitability Targets: DFA Provides Probability Estimates"
Gerald S. Kirschner and William C. Scheel
"Specifying the Functional Parameters of a Corporate Financial Model for Dynamic Financial Analysis"
Stephen P. D'Arcy, Richard W. Gorvett, Joseph A. Herbers, Thomas E. Hettinger, Steven G. Lehmann, and Michael J. Miller
"Building a Public Access PC-Based DFA Model"
Douglas M. Hodes, Tony Neghaiwi, J. David Cummins, Richard Phillips, and Sholom Feldblum
"The Financial Modeling of Property/Casualty Insurance Companies"
Stephen P. Lowe and James N. Stanard
"An Integrated Dynamic Financial Analysis and Decision Support System for a Property Catastrophe Reinsurer"