Candidate Know Before You Go

Pearson VUE Confirmation Email

After you schedule your exam, Pearson VUE will send a confirmation email listing your exam date, your appointment time, the address of the exam center, and directions to the exam center. Please ensure you receive this email - if you do not receive this email, you may not be scheduled. More information on scheduling can be found on the CAS page of the Pearson VUE website .

Exam Breaks

Each exam administered at a Pearson VUE testing center will now include one optional 15-minute break. The time taken during the exam break will not be counted towards the overall exam duration. Candidates can take this break at any time during the four-hour exam. After taking a break, candidates will be able to access previously answered questions. An exam break is optional. If a candidate does not take a break, the exam will still end at four hours. An additional 15 minutes of time will not be given.

During this break, candidates must leave the exam room. Candidates may use the restroom and/or access their locker for food, beverages, and medication if necessary. Candidates may also access their backup calculator during any break if needed. Candidates are not allowed to leave the premises or access a mobile phone, exam notes, study guides, or anything other than the items specifically mentioned above. Any candidate who violates this rule will not be allowed to return to their exam. All violations will be documented by the Pearson VUE proctor and subject to disciplinary action. For full information about exam breaks please familiarize yourself with the exam break FAQ.

The break is a floating break whereby candidates can raise their hand and have the proctor place them in break at any time within their exam. There is a "Pause Exam" button in the bottom left corner of the exam that candidates can select themselves to initiate when they want to begin their break. A pop-up will appear asking them to confirm that they want to begin the break or return to the exam. If they initiate the break, they then must raise their hand if they'd like to leave the exam room. There is only one break; if a candidate ends the break before the 15 minutes is over, the remainder of the break time is forfeited. The candidate may resume their exam without the proctor's involvement upon returning from their break.

Image showing "Pause Exam" option
Exam Answering

For Exams  5-9, there will be some questions in the spreadsheet environment that require candidates to submit their final response in a specific cell highlighted in yellow for a streamlined grading process.  For these questions, instructions will be explicitly included in the question. Please do not add or insert rows or columns within the prompt. Please write your numeric answer in the yellow cell, do not copy and paste your response in it. If the answer isn't input into this cell the response will still be graded.*

Here is an example of how the instructions would look in the exam:

Image showing cell where answer should be entered




Here is an example of a question that does not require the answer to be input into a specific highlighted cell:

example of a question that does not require the answer to be input into a specific highlighted cell
Exam Question Tips

Please review CAS Exam New Item Types FAQ for information regarding new item types you may see on your exam.

You can also use the "Scratch Pad" button within the Sample Item Types to practice using the spreadsheet software. The Sample Item Types Demo can be found on the CAS Page of the Pearson VUE website.

Exam Formatting

Exams 5-9 questions have been reformatted so that questions that were previously listed as subparts of one question have been broken up into separate questions, when appropriate. Therefore, the number of questions on the exam will appear higher, but the actual exam length has not changed. This does not impact subpart dependencies.

Exam questions with dependent subparts will NOT require candidates to carry work over between those subparts. Dependent subparts will be presented together on the same screen. If a candidate chooses to carry work over, they can use the scratch pad, which will carry over any scratch work done throughout the exam. 

Here is an example of what a question might look like in this new format. Please take note of the highlighted areas.

Exam Formatting

To familiarize yourself with how cases are presented please review the Sample Item Types. The Sample Item Types Demo can be found on the CAS Page of the Pearson VUE website.

Pearson VUE Spreadsheet

A blank spreadsheet is included in the New Item Type Samples Demo found on the CAS Page of the Pearson Vue website and it features a recently updated toolbar. Candidates can expect to see this updated spreadsheet on all CAS exams at Pearson VUE test centers. Please review the New Pearson VUE Spreadsheet Functionality for CAS Exams for more detailed information.

New Sample Item Types

Candidates can use this resource to practice using the features and functions of the Pearson VUE computer-based testing environment such as the Scratch Pad and spreadsheet functionality, as well as to review the different Item Types (matching, multiple choice, etc.) Candidates should refer to their exam Content Outline for a list of the Item Types that may appear on their exam.

The Sample Item Types Demo is intended solely to demonstrate the functionality and features of the Pearson VUE exam software. The questions may not accurately reflect the depth or scope of the actual exam content. Please use the demo for understanding how to navigate the software, submit answers, and utilize available tools. Questions and solutions are not actual exam questions.

The question set allows candidates to:

  • practice and become familiar with Pearson VUE's computer-based testing functionality and interface.
  • understand how to work in the spreadsheet format, respond to questions, and navigate between questions.
  • understand how full-credit solutions could be presented, as sample solutions are included for each question.
  • familiarize themselves with the essay response format.
  • practice questions that utilize advanced spreadsheet functionality.
  • practice functionality of the new highlight and strikethrough features in the spreadsheet environment

The question set includes problems that generally represent a cross-section of question styles from CAS Exams.

View the Sample Item Types

View the Sample Item Types Video Tutorial

You can use the "Scratch Pad" button within the Sample Item Types to practice using the spreadsheet software.

As candidates access the Sample Item Types questions and work the problems, please note the following:

  • Graphing/Drawing: Candidates will not be expected to do any graphing or drawing in their responses on the exams.
  • Formatting: Formatting capabilities do exist in the Pearson spreadsheet environment. As long as candidates show their work and graders are able to follow their logic, candidates are not required to format their work to be visually appealing (e.g., borders around tables).
  • Functions and Formulas: In the Pearson VUE environment, typing in a formula incorrectly may result in a blank cell and candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with both the Pearson VUE sample site and function list. Pearson VUE’s spreadsheet includes several functions. No functions were added since the Spring 2024 sitting. Candidates are free to use any of these functions in their responses to the questions on the exam. See the list of functions, which is also available on the Pearson VUE/CAS website under "Related Links." Please note that function keys such as F2, F4, etc. do not operate in the Pearson VUE Environment.

Please also note that while graders are able to consider formulas entered in the Pearson VUE spreadsheets, candidates will not be required to have knowledge of specific spreadsheet formulas to receive full credit. If a particular spreadsheet function is recommended to produce a result, candidates will be given instructions for its use, or a definition of inputs and outputs. Candidates should compose responses and show all work and reasoning to maximize credit. Partial credit will be given for candidates who are able to demonstrate some understanding of the question. *

  • Zooming In and Out: Candidates are able to zoom in and out in Pearson's spreadsheet by either selecting Ctrl +/- on the keyboard or by changing the viewing % on the toolbar. The spreadsheet defaults to 90%.
  • Reference Items and/or Tables: Any reference items and/or tables required for the examination will be loaded directly into the Pearson environment and will be available to the candidates on the screen by the click of a button either in the bottom left corner or at the top of the question. More information on this is available in the tutorial that precedes the exam.
  • F11: Pressing F11 while doing the Sample Item Types Demo will increase the screen size and more closely mimic the exam center experience.
  • Maximizing workspace: Candidates may click the carrot (^) at the bottom right corner of the spreadsheet toolbar to minimize the toolbar and increase the viewable area of the spreadsheet. Click the Home tab to bring back the toolbar. Candidates may also click and drag the divider in questions with multiple parts to expand either the right- or left-hand side of the screen.
  • Navigator Button: Clicking on the Navigator button in the Pearson environment will provide a list of all questions, including a topic description and point value. Candidates can use the navigator to quickly jump between questions.
  • Symbols: A symbol selector has been included to allow you to insert symbols or mathematical operators that are not available on a keyboard. The symbols included in the sample questions are just a sample of possible symbols and additional symbols may be available. We do not anticipate that you will need to use these symbols very often.
  • Showing Your Work: The entire spreadsheet, including all formulas used, will be sent to the graders. Candidates should make sure the responses are well-organized and easy for the graders to find and understand. Graders will NOT be able to view the contents of the Scratch Pad - the entire final response must be entered in the spreadsheet presented on the question screen.
    show your work
  • Undo Options: If you accidentally erase part of the question, there is an option to "undo" the last several keystrokes by using the appropriate undo button in the toolbar or by pressing Ctrl-Z.There is also an option to reset the entire question, however, this will erase any part of the solution you have already typed.
  • Time Limits: Candidates will have four hours to work the exam questions during the actual CAS exams unless they have an approved exam accommodation for additional time.
Point and Click Items

For point and click items on exams 5 and 8, an image is presented after a problem where the candidate must identify the correct area(s) of the image by clicking on the correct location(s) in the image. Follow the prompt on whether more than one area should be selected.

Canadian French Exams

For Canadian French exams, a pop-up box with the English item counterpart is available. Candidates must answer the item in Canadian French and not in the popup box. 

Content Outline Source Materials

The Tasks in the Content Outlines are all aligned to source materials (see Domains/Tasks on Content Outline). While some Tasks might have more breath than depth, candidates should also review the Exam Cognitive Level breakdown along with the Domain weights. For information on how Content Outlines differ from syllabi, please refer to the Content Outline Informational Announcement.

Pearson VUE Admission Policy

Please arrive at the test center 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. This will give you adequate time to complete the necessary sign-in procedures. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be refused admission and your exam fees will be forfeited.

You must show one government issued form of identification. The unexpired ID must contain your name exactly as it appears in your exam registration, your photo and signature. Please review the ID policy for acceptable forms of identification.

Before you may enter the testing room, you will be required to read through the candidate rules agreement. For identity verification purposes you will also be required to provide your signature, have a digital facial photo taken, and have a palm vein scan. No personal items may be taken into the testing room except a calculator. This includes all bags, books, notes, phones, writing instruments, watches and wallets. Candidates will be asked to show empty pockets and have any eyewear inspected prior to entering the testing area.

In the testing area, a laminated spiral notebook will be available to you with a fine point felt pen for scratch work. If you need additional notebooks, raise your hand and the proctor will provide you with up to two additional notebooks. Noise cancelling headphones are available at the testing center if you choose to use them.

Candidates may bring the following battery or solar-powered models of the following Texas Instruments calculators to the testing center: BA-35, BA II Plus, BA II Plus Professional, TI-30Xa, TI-30X II (IIS solar or IIB battery), TI-30XS MultiView (or XB battery).

Reschedule Policy

To reschedule your exam, you must contact Pearson VUE or access your online Pearson VUE account a minimum of 48 hours prior to your appointment. Exams cannot be rescheduled less than 48 hours prior to your appointment. Failure to reschedule in time or failure to appear for your appointment will result in the forfeiture of your exam fee.

No-Show Policy

Exam slots are limited, so if you are unable to attend your exam appointment, please cancel your appointment at least 48 hours prior to the exam with Pearson VUE AND the CAS, or you will be charged a $100 administrative "no-show" fee. Please note that your exam fee will be forfeited if your appointment is canceled after the refund deadline.

To cancel your appointment 48 hours+ prior to exam and avoid “no-show” fee: Contact Pearson VUE support, or cancel via your Pearson VUE account, AND email with cancellation request and proof of Pearson VUE cancellation.

To cancel your appointment within 48 hours of exam: Contact Pearson VUE support AND email

Site Closures

Should a candidate be notified that their site has closed and are within 48 hours of their scheduled exam appointment, they should first contact the CAS. Candidates who receive a site closure notice more than 48 hours before their scheduled exam should contact Pearson VUE Customer Service or login to their Pearson VUE account to reschedule.


All candidates will be required to review and agree to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) acknowledging the CAS Exam Discipline Policy at the start of their exam. This policy was last updated on February 14, 2022.

Candidate Feedback and Grievances Policy

If you experience an administration irregularity (noise, technology issues, etc.) issue during your exam, please inform the Pearson VUE administrator as soon as the issue occurs. Candidates should request a Pearson VUE Case Number* to submit with grievance submissions.

Candidates may also submit a grievance with the CAS up to 5 business days after the exam, however the first course of action should be to inform the Pearson VUE administrator on-site of any issues that occur during the exam.

Please note that auto-saving does occur throughout the exam. All responses are saved immediately.

The CAS Candidate Feedback and Grievances policy outlines the process for submitting Candidate Feedback regarding suspected defective items (such as items testing material not on the syllabus or items that cannot be answered with the information provided) and provides more details on Candidate Grievances.

*Pearson VUE Case Numbers are assigned to any administration irregularity that may occur from the time a candidate checks in at the exam center to when they leave the exam center. Case Numbers are directly connected to the cited irregularity and should be included with feedback and grievances submissions to the CAS.

If you have any additional questions, please contact CAS Administrative and Customer Support at