U.S. Qualification Standards

CAS members that are meeting the United States Qualifications Standards (USQS) are encouraged to read the standards found on the USQS page carefully.

Below are the basics of the USQS that CAS members should know:

If attesting to the USQS, members should select from the following options:
  1. General Qualification Standard (indicated by the “I have complied” attestation option on CAS website)
  2. Specific Qualification Standard (indicated by the “I have complied – NAIC Statement of Actuarial Opinion” attestation option on CAS website)
To satisfy the General Qualification Standard, members must complete:
  • 30 hours of relevant CE each calendar year of which at least 3 hours must be professionalism topics, 1 hour must be bias topics, no more than 3 hours may be on general business skill topics, and at least 6 hours must be “organized” activities.
  • All other hours should be relevant continuing education to the actuary’s job.
  • Hours of CE in excess of the annual requirement may be carried forward one year.
To satisfy the Specific Qualification Standard (needed if planning to sign Statements of Actuarial Opinion), members must complete:
  • At least 15 CE hours must be directly related to the topic of the SAO (see section 3.3 of the USQS)
  • A minimum of 6 of the 15 hours must be “organized” or obtained through experiences that involve interactions with outside actuaries or other professionals.
  • Hours that satisfy the CE requirement of the Specific Qualification Standard, may also be used to satisfy the CE requirement of the General Qualification Standard.
  • All other hours should be relevant continuing education to the actuary’s job.
  • Hours of CE in excess of the annual requirement may be carried forward one year.
Continuing Education is “relevant” if it (see section 2.2.6 of USQS):
  • Broadens or deepens an actuary’s understanding of one or more aspects of the work an actuary does.
  • Exposes an actuary to new and evolving techniques for addressing actuarial issues.
  • Expands an actuary’s knowledge of practice in related disciplines that bear directly on an actuary’s work.
  • Facilitates an actuary’s entry into a new area of actuarial practice.
  • Relevant CE includes not only technical topics in the actuary’s area of actuarial practice, but also includes general business skill topics, bias topics, and professionalism topics.
  • Ultimately, it’s an actuary’s responsibility to make a reasonable, good-faith determination of what continuing education opportunities will enhance an actuary’s ability to practice in a desired field.

Please Note

1 hour of continuing education is defined as 50 minutes and fractions of an hour may be counted.
Members should track their CE carefully as these records could be reviewed for compliance if members are randomly selected in the yearly CAS Continuing Education Record Review.
Members may use the CAS sample CE log to assist with CE documentation


For more information, please read the United States Qualification Standards, Sections 2.2 and 3.3


Professionalism topics

Professionalism topics include content that assists in understanding and applying the Code of Professional Conduct, actuarial standards of practice (ASOPs), and related actuarial professionalism guidance. Professionalism continuing education includes studying, reviewing, or providing input on an exposure draft of an ASOP; studying or reviewing the Code of Professional Conduct; attending an actuarial professionalism webinar; and serving on the Actuarial Standards Board or a professionalism committee.

Bias topics

Bias topics include content that provides knowledge and perspective that assist in identifying and assessing biases that may exist in data, assumptions, algorithms, and models that impact Actuarial Services. Biases may include but are not limited to statistical, cognitive, and social biases.

General business skill topics

General business skill topics include content that assists in developing client relationship management skills, presentation skills, communication skills, project management, and personnel management.

“Organized activities”

“Organized activities” include, but are not limited to, conferences, seminars, webcasts, in-person or online courses, or committee work that is directly relevant to the area of actuarial practice of the subject of the Statement of Actuarial Opinion. In-house meetings can satisfy the requirement of interaction with actuaries or professionals working for different organizations by using outside speakers (but remember, they must still be considered “relevant” CE).

“Other activities”

“Other activities” include, but are not limited to, reading actuarial literature, statutes, or regulations; reading other books, or articles on relevant technical or professional topics; writing professional papers or articles; listening to recordings of actuarial meetings or other relevant seminars or conferences; relevant in-house meetings; studying for actuarial exams; drafting actuarial exam questions; or preparing to speak or lead a discussion at a continuing education activity.

Please contact ce-review@casact.org if you have any questions about the content on this page.