Volunteer Acknowledgement

Casualty Actuarial Society (“CAS”) is grateful for your willingness to serve as a volunteer.  As a condition and in consideration of serving as a volunteer on a CAS committee, working group or task force, or filling a microvolunteering opportunity, the Volunteer understands the following:

  1. No Compensation.  The Volunteer’s services shall be donated, and the Volunteer is not entitled to nor should expect any present or future salary, wages, or compensation for voluntary services.  The Volunteer shall not be considered an employee of CAS while performing volunteer services.
  2. Assignment of Intellectual Property.  CAS is the sole and exclusive owner of all proprietary rights pertaining to any information or materials developed by Volunteer in connection with Volunteer’s CAS service, including the copyright to all materials that Volunteer prepares within a CAS committee, working group, or task force.  Volunteer hereby assigns to CAS all right, title, and interest in any information or materials developed or created by Volunteer in connection with Volunteer’s CAS service.  Upon CAS’ request, Volunteer agrees to coordinate with CAS to execute any assurances necessary in order to vest copyright and other intellectual property rights and interests in such materials.

    CAS hereby grants Volunteer a non-exclusive and royalty-free license to use materials developed by Volunteer, provided that the following conditions are met:

    (a) the use is for non-commercial purposes such as, but not limited to, professional development, research, and educational knowledge sharing,

    (b) Volunteer reasonably attributes CAS as the proprietary owner of the materials in connection with the use,

    (c) Volunteer does not publicly use the materials prior to the CAS’s use of the material, and

    (d) Volunteer does not use any materials considered by the CAS to be confidential.

  3. Confidentiality.  Volunteers shall not disclose any confidential data or other information (including, but not limited to member or candidate data), shared with Volunteers for the purposes of serving in their volunteer capacity, with any third party outside of CAS, its relevant committees, or staff.  Participation as a Volunteer with some CAS groups, such as in the Admissions area, may require Volunteer to sign an additional non-disclosure agreement.  Should such non-disclosure become necessary, Volunteer agrees to coordinate with CAS to execute such agreement in order to ensure the protection of confidential CAS information.
  4. Term and Termination.  Volunteer shall serve a one-year term that may be renewed annually (for a CAS committee, working group or task force), or until the volunteer project is completed (for microvolunteeering opportunities).  This commitment can be terminated at any time by the volunteer or CAS.  Terms are typically limited to three years but may vary by functional area such as Admissions and may be extended on a case-by-case basis upon approval by the Vice President.
  5. Compliance.  Volunteer will comply with all CAS rules, policies and procedures (including, without limitation, CAS’ Non-Discrimination Statement, Code of Professional Conduct, and Code of Professional Ethics for Candidates), and any applicable laws, rules, or regulations when carrying out the Volunteer’s duties and obligations in connection with Volunteer’s service.  Volunteer agrees to follow the direction and guidance of any CAS staff chair and/or volunteer chair with whom Volunteer has been assigned to serve, and Volunteer agrees to participate in any training required by the CAS to perform voluntary services.
  6. Conflict of Interest.  Volunteer will disclose to CAS any actual, apparent, or potential conflict of interest that could bias Volunteer’s service or participation in the CAS activities to which Volunteer has been assigned, including any business, financial, or organizational interests and affiliations which are or could be construed to be a conflict of interest, including but not limited to any ownership, employment, volunteer, agency or business interest in an entity or program that is the subject of CAS discussions or decisions; a position as a consultant for any such entity or program; or any other interest that is likely to bias any CAS discussions or decisions.  The Volunteer agrees to abstain from deliberation and/or voting on any matter with respect to which Volunteer may have an actual or potential conflict of interest.
  7. Permission and Release to Use Likeness.  Volunteer grants CAS permission to photograph and record Volunteer while participating in volunteer service with CAS and related activities, and to use such photographs and recordings containing Volunteer’s likeness for purposes associated with CAS’ mission, throughout the world, without compensation.  Volunteer agrees that the photographs and recordings of Volunteer taken in connection with Volunteer’s participation in CAS volunteer activities will be the sole property of CAS.

Section 2 (Assignment of Intellectual Property), Section 3 (Confidentiality), and Section 7 (Permission and Release to Use Likeness) shall survive the expiration of the Volunteer’s term.