Benefits of CAS Student Central
CAS Student Central is a membership program for university students interested in pursuing an actuarial career. Join the community of students from over 1100 universities who have become members and gained access to career resources, study tools and more!
No Membership Fee
Free Practice Exams and Study Resources
Invitations to Networking Events
Free Webinars
Online Community
The CAS Membership Directory
Internships and Scholarships
Predictive Modeling Software
Information For Students Currently Taking Exams
Actuarial candidates must complete a set of requirements, including passing a series of exams, to become credentialed property and casualty actuaries and members of the CAS.

CAS Trust Scholarship Program
The CAS has a scholarship program funded by the CAS Trust that awards grants ranging from $2,500 to $5,000 to deserving university students annually.