Theory of Risk Prize
This award is made to the author of the best paper submitted in response to a call for theory of risk discussion papers whenever the program is conducted by the Committee on Theory of Risk of the Casualty Actuarial Society. Papers are judged by a specially appointed review committee on the basis of applied orientation, theoretical soundness, recognition of different sources of uncertainty, and illustration of method through an example that can be replicated. If no paper is considered eligible in a given year, the award shall not be made. The committee's decision will be final. Recipients need not be members of the Casualty Actuarial Society. The announcement of the award will be made at the seminar at which the papers are discussed.
The amount of the Theory of Risk Prize is up to $10,000, divided among authors of the best papers.
Recipients of the Theory of Risk Prize
The Theory of Risk prize was discontinued in 2010.
No Program Held
Richard J. Verrall
"Statistical Methods for the Chain Ladder Technique"
Thomas Mack
"Measuring the Variability of Chain Ladder Reserve Estimates"
Ben Zehnwirth
"Probabilistic Development Factor Models with Applications to Loss Reserve Variability, Prediction Intervals and Risk Based Capital"