Mutual Recognition Application - Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (U.K.)

The CAS board is extending the prior Mutual Recognition Agreement process that ended in 2022 to Fellows of IFoA. Applicants should meet all prior terms as stated below. CAS members wishing to join the IFoA should review their Individual Qualification Recognition process.

In accordance with the terms of the Mutual Recognition Agreement under which you are applying for admission to the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) as a Fellow (FCAS), you must before admission:

  1. have attained the designation of Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (FIA) by examination and not in recognition of membership of another actuarial association;
  2. have successfully completed the general insurance specialization within the education and examination system of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries; (Please provide a copy of your transcript)
  3. have successfully completed the CAS Course on Professionalism;
  4. have completed and documented a three-year period of full-time practical general insurance actuarial work experience within the six-year period immediately prior to the application for FCAS status;
  5. disclose to the CAS any public disciplinary sanctions that have been imposed against you by any actuarial organization of which you are a member as well as give your permission to the CAS to contact the appropriate disciplinary body of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.
Applicant Information
Please enter qualifications (if any) that you wish to appear on your correspondence.
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Please provide a list of your full-time practical general insurance actuarial work experience that covers a three-year period within the six-year period immediately prior to submitting this application for Fellowship in the CAS. Attach a separate page if necessary.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Have any public disciplinary sanctions been imposed against you by any actuarial organization of which you are a member?
Are there any pending disciplinary matters against you by any actuarial organization of which you are a member?
I grant permission for the CAS to contact the appropriate disciplinary body of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

Rights and Privileges

Upon approval as a Fellow of the CAS, the applicant is subject to the same rights, privileges, and obligations as all other Members. All Members of the CAS must comply with applicable actuarial standards, and must comply with the rules of professional conduct of the CAS at all times. In the United States, applicable actuarial standards of qualification are promulgated by the American Academy of Actuaries, and applicable standards of practice are promulgated by the Actuarial Standards Board. In Canada, applicable actuarial standards of qualification and practice are promulgated by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries.

Payment of subscriptions to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries must be maintained at whatever rate the specified institute deems appropriate. If accepted as an FCAS, membership dues in the CAS must be maintained for continued membership.

Declaration to be Signed by Applicant

I hereby apply for admission as a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society.

I confirm that I completed and documented a three-year period of full-time practical general insurance actuarial work experience within the six-year period immediately prior to submitting this application.

I have passed the CAS Course on Professionalism.

I give the Casualty Actuarial Society permission to contact the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries to obtain:

  • Confirmation that I am a Fellow of that body in good standing;
  • Confirmation that I have successfully completed the general insurance specialization within the education and examination system of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries;
  • Details of any disciplinary actions taken against me or any pending disciplinary matters.

If I am admitted to Fellowship, I agree to abide by the CAS Constitution, Bylaws and the Code of Professional Conduct. I also acknowledge that the CAS can take action based on facts and investigations conducted by other organizations when considering disciplinary actions.


Date Signature
Type your name as a digital signature on this application.


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