CAS Announces 2023-24 Vice President Appointments
I am pleased to announce that the following Fellows were elected or re-elected by the CAS Board of Directors to serve as 2023-2024 Vice Presidents and members of the CAS Executive Council (EC).
Newly elected Vice Presidents
- Keith Berman, Vice President-International
- Morgan Bugbee, Vice President-Research & Development
- Rich Moncher, Vice President-Administration
- Erin Olson, Vice President-Marketing & Communications
Re-elected incumbent Vice Presidents
- Anthony Bustillo, Vice President-Professional Education
- William Wilder, Vice President-Admissions
These members will assume or re-assume their positions at the close of the 2023 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. The President, President-Elect, and CEO are also ex-officio members of the EC.
Although they have not yet completed their terms and still have a few months of work and transition ahead, at this time I would like to express my appreciation to our outgoing Vice Presidents for their significant efforts over the past years.
- Kendra Felisky, Vice President-International
- Kimberly Guerriero, Vice President-Marketing & Communications
- Mary Hosford, Vice President-Administration
- Jim Weiss, Vice President-Research & Development
I look forward to their contributions to the CAS in other roles in the future.
Roosevelt Mosley, President, Casualty Actuarial Society