CAS News
Exams & Admissions
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The CAS October/November 2024 Exam Registration Deadline Is Approaching!

Register for Casualty Actuarial Society Exams MAS-I, MAS-II, 5, 6-Canada, 6-International, 6-US, and 8 by October 2, 2024.

Exam Dates

October 23 – November 5, 2024

  • Exam 5
  • Exam 6-Canada
  • Exam 6-International
  • Exam 6-United States
  • Exam 8

October 30 – November 12, 2024

  • Exam MAS-I
  • Exam MAS-II

Register for a CAS Exam Today!

First time registering for a CAS exam with Pearson VUE? Check out the CAS CandidateFrequently Asked Questions page. Visit the Pearson VUE/CAS website for more candidate resources.