CAS Partners with Exam Prep Providers to Offer New MAS Practice Exams
The CAS is pleased to announce that as part of the Admissions Transformation Plan, new computer-based practice exams for the MAS exams will be available starting on October 12. The practice exams, which consist of new and original questions developed exclusively for CAS by The Infinite Actuary, ACTEX, and Coaching Actuaries, will continue to be offered for $99.
The development of the new practice exams evolved from a partnership program between the CAS and vendors who already serve our candidate community with exam preparatory services, and the CAS thanks The Infinite Actuary, ACTEX, and Coaching Actuaries for their generous creation and contribution of new questions to these exams.
The previous versions of MAS experiential practice exams were developed with previously published or slightly modified questions from past CAS MAS exam offerings, while these new practice exams are pulled from an all-new question bank. The questions were vetted by a task force of CAS member volunteers to ensure the quality of the questions selected for inclusion.
The new offerings are a four-hour practice exam, consisting of 45 new questions that can be completed on your own device in an un-proctored Pearson VUE environment. Candidates will be able to use the practice exams to mimic the experience they will have on exam day, enabling them to gauge their time management, ensure they are familiar with the Pearson VUE environment, and familiarize themselves with the new item types such as multiple-selection, point and click, fill in the blank, and matching.
At the end of the four-hour exam, or when the exam is submitted, candidates will immediately receive a score report with the number of items they answered correctly in each domain. Candidates will also receive an answer key and have up to 24 hours to review their exam against the answer key. During the 24 hour review period candidates will not be able to change their answers. Please note that a candidate's score on the practice exam is not a predictor of whether you will pass or fail the real exam.
The practice exam costs $99. A full FAQ for the practice exams can be found on the MAS landing pages.
If you are vendor and are interested in partnering with the CAS on future exam preparation products please contact