CAS Releases Two New Instructional Videos about the Capability Model
As part of its roll out of the Capability Model, the CAS has unveiled two new instructional videos showing how actuaries may use the Model to expand their abilities into new areas of their work. The short videos describe the Capability Model and its uses as well as provide examples of how an Associate and a Fellow may explore the model to identify areas for their professional growth. In addition, the videos describe how interested actuaries may find related professional development content on the CAS website.
The CAS Capability Model unveiled in January 2023 is a visual framework that articulates and provides guidance on the traits, skills and knowledge important for most property/casualty actuaries. It includes a total of 18 specific attributes and three levels for each one.
Coming Soon: CAS volunteers are tagging current and past professional education offerings to the Model, providing specific content that is aligned to the attributes and levels of the Model. A self-assessment tool will also be available in late 2023 or early 2024 that will identify areas of potential growth based on the assessment.
To learn more about and use the CAS Capability Model, please visit