CAS Update Regarding Exam Offerings in Quebec

Dear CAS Candidates and Members in Quebec,
Quebec Bill 96 includes language requirements for conducting business within Quebec, which requires all educational transactions to be completed in French. Currently, CAS exams and supporting materials are offered only in English, including within Canada.
After discussions with various stakeholders, because of the uncertainty of the Quebec Bill 96 requirements and their ramifications, the CAS has decided to temporarily suspend offering exams in the province of Quebec starting with the Spring 2024 administration.
CAS will be actively working to assess the Quebec Bill 96 requirements throughout 2024 to determine a path forward for resuming exam administration, with consideration to resource requirements for translating exams, related content outlines, score reports, and email communications. A Board-level Canada Task Force, in partnership with CAS admissions staff is monitoring and overseeing the CAS’s direction on this issue.
The CAS regrets the inconvenience to affected candidates in Quebec who will have to travel outside the province to take their exams in 2024, as well as to employers who will bear the additional burden in supporting their candidates during this time.
Quebec-based candidates who are challenged to secure exam appointments outside the province should contact the CAS at, which will work with candidates and testing partner Pearson VUE to facilitate efforts at finding them a spot at a testing center. Candidates are reminded to register for their exam and book their exam appointments as early as possible.
Candidates with any questions about this announcement are invited to send an email to