Changes for the October/November 2023 CAS Syllabus of Basic Education
The General Officer of the CAS Syllabus and Examination Committee has released a memorandum outlining approved changes for the October/November 2023 CAS source materials. This memorandum was updated on April 6, 2023.
Other changes that may be made, but which are not addressed here, include modifications to Learning Objectives/Domains & Tasks and Knowledge Statements, as well as additional edition changes to current citations. Those changes, if any, will be included in the individual exam’s October/November 2023 syllabus or Content Outline.
Exams MAS-I, MAS-II and Exam 5
With the introduction of the Admissions Transformation Plan, the new Content Outlines (formally known as syllabi) for Exams MAS-I, MAS-II and Exam 5 will be the basis for the October/November 2023 exam administrations. The following changes have been made to each of these Content Outline’s references and are available on the CAS website.
Exams 6U/C/I and 8
The October/November 2023 syllabi will be posted in May 2023 and the CAS Study Kits will be available July 2023. Candidates should be guided by the final syllabi/Content Outlines for the Learning Objectives/Domains & Tasks, Knowledge Statements, and Text References for each examination and to not rely solely on the advanced notice provided in this memorandum. Exams 6U, 6C, 6I and 8 will all continue to use the syllabus format for the October/November 2023 administration.