CAS News

Drake University Announces Drake Risk and Opportunity Forum, a Virtual Risk Management Conference Oct. 29 Featuring Top Industry Experts

Drake University’s College of Business and Public Administration will host the Drake Risk and Opportunity Forum Oct. 29 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This free, virtual forum will bring together risk management professionals in both financial and non-financial organizations to connect, learn, and celebrate innovation in risk management.

The forum includes 17 thought leaders and industry experts who will address emerging issues, long-term impacts of the pandemic, cyber-security, innovation, evolving technologies, and company responses to social issues. The keynote speaker for the event is Chunka Mui, futurist, innovation advisor, and author of five books on strategy and innovation. Mui will share his optimistic vision of the future, powerful insights on how to leverage advanced technologies, and how to capitalize on the opportunity for more innovation.

Complementing the impressive line-up of speakers, a C-suite panel and networking breakout session are set to elevate the experience. The Drake Risk and Opportunity Form is open to risk officers and other risk professionals, actuaries, auditors, regulators, consultants and advisors, investment professionals, accountants, and lawyers. All experience levels are welcome.

Registration for the forum is open through Oct. 26. To see the full agenda, visit