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Invitation to Provide Feedback on the Exposure Draft of the CAS 2025 Strategic Plan

Dear Members,

I am pleased to release the exposure draft of the CAS 2025 Strategic Plan. This marks a significant milestone in shaping our future direction as an organization, and we are excited to share it with you.

This plan represents the culmination of extensive work by the Strategic Planning Task Force, guided by insights gathered from members through surveys, focus groups, and town halls. Your engagement has been integral to the development of the plan, and it is with this spirit of collaboration and transparency that we now invite you to review and provide feedback on this exposure draft.

Why Your Input Matters

We are committed to ensuring that the final strategic plan reflects the diverse perspectives and priorities of our membership. Your feedback will play a critical role in shaping the final document, and we encourage you to share your thoughts on how this plan can best serve the needs of the CAS community and the actuarial profession as a whole.

How to Provide Feedback

The exposure draft will be open for member feedback until October 25, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET. You may submit your comments via our online form.

Our Commitment to Transparency and Engagement

This strategic planning process has been marked by an emphasis on transparency and member engagement. The Board of Directors believes it is essential to involve our members in this process, not just to provide input but to foster a sense of shared ownership in the direction of the CAS. The current exposure draft is not a finished product, but a reflection of our commitment to collaborative development.

Next Steps

The Strategic Planning Task Force will review and consider all comments for potential changes to the Strategic Plan, and the final version will be presented to the CAS Board for adoption during its November 3 meeting. The Executive Council will then work with staff on the development of operational plans to achieve the Strategic Plan’s desired outcomes, along with measures of success to gauge our progress as we execute the plans.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Roosevelt Mosley, FCAS, MAAA
Chair, CAS Board of Directors, and Chair, Strategic Planning Task Force