CAS News
Membership / Notices to Members

Notice Regarding Google Search Results for CAS Website

Since the new CAS website was launched on March 9, we have been pleased to receive many positive comments about the streamlined site design and more intuitive navigation. However, we are also aware of a few issues yet to be resolved. More specifically, there are links to CAS website content in Google search results that are broken. We are actively working to resolve this issue, but unfortunately, this is a normal part of launching a new website.

When a new website is launched, Google crawls and indexes the site, a process that can take several weeks. While we have signaled that we have a new website, according to Google, “Crawling and indexing are processes which can take some time and which rely on many factors. In general, we cannot make predictions or guarantees about when or if your URLs will be crawled or indexed.

We regret the inconvenience while this process is completed. If you are experiencing problems finding content, here are a few tips for finding the information you are looking for, besides searching through Google:

  • Use the CAS website search tool. This new search engine returns much more relevant results than the search tool on the old website.
  • Try looking through our updated “How Do I Find…” page on the website.
  • Contact the CAS Staff. We will do our best to link you to the information you seek as soon as possible. Use the Contact Us form on the website to ask for assistance.

We hope you enjoy the new website – please reach out to us via our contact form if you have any comments or concerns.