Membership / Notices to Members

The Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA) Call for Volunteers

Do you want to help improve the diversity of the actuarial profession? The Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA) is looking for volunteers to help Latinx actuarial candidates navigate the job search process.

This year, we are launching the OLA Academy, a webinar series that will help participants with various aspects of the job search process like resumes, interviews, and networking. We are looking for volunteers to help participants turn these new learnings into action.

Currently, we are seeking resume reviewers and mock interviewers. Volunteers will be matched with two participants a month from March to August, based on volunteers’ availability. If you are available for only a month or two, please sign up! OLA candidates are eager to connect with actuaries and actuarial students, and they are grateful for any help you can provide.

To apply to volunteer, please visit the online form. All volunteers are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact us at