Presenting: Actuaries in Community Month!

As many CAS members know, actuaries are often involved in acts of service for their communities, be it actuarially related or not! To highlight our members’ community service outside of the workplace, the CAS is launching our very own Actuaries in Community Month! This campaign is the third in our “Actuaries in…” series, following #ActuariesinPOP and #ActuariesinMUSIC.
Throughout the month of June, we will be sharing some of the best moments featuring CAS members and community on our LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter platforms using the hashtag #ActuariesinCOMMUNITY. We also encourage members to keep an eye on the CAS Roundtable Blog for blog posts about the campaign!
It’s not too late for you to be involved! If you have an act of community service to highlight (for you or a colleague), join in the conversation on social media with #ActuariesinCOMMUNITY, or email to be featured in the campaign. We hope you will join us in celebrating #ActuariesinCOMMUNITY!