Statement on 2023 Quinquennial Survey Meeting Locations Question
The CAS has received feedback from members on a question in the Quinquennial Survey asking how important several factors are in selecting locations for CAS in-person meetings and seminars. The factors listed included "Inclusive and welcoming environment for LGBTQIA+ community and other underrepresented groups" and "high accessibility for persons with disabilities" among the considerations. While our intention was to increase our understanding of the perspectives of our members, we now understand this question potentially comes across as a poll on whether we should select inclusive and accessible settings and potentially implies that each of the various factors listed were of equal importance, neither of which were the intention. We acknowledge this feedback and regret that the wording of this question led to this interpretation, so we have made the decision to remove it from the Quinquennial Survey in its entirety. We appreciate those members that shared their perspectives and reactions with the CAS so we could address this concern.
Roosevelt Mosley, CAS President