Volunteers Needed for Sample Exam!

The Admissions Department is looking for volunteers to help write the new Sample Exam.
General Information:
The new Sample Exam will consist of approximately 58 questions reflective of content from each exam (MAS I, MAS-II, 5, 6C, 6I, 6U, 7, 8, and 9) and the specific item types used on each exam. All item types will be included in the Sample Exam. The existing Sample Exam has examples of each item type:
- Multiple Choice – Single Select
- Multiple Choice – Multiple Select
- Point & Click
- Fill in the Blank
- Matching
- Constructed Response
- Spreadsheet
Description of Work Needed:
Volunteers are needed with varying areas of subject matter expertise for this effort. A Writers’ Training will take place online in early July, with asynchronous writing work to occur immediately afterwards. Group review sessions will go through early August, and it is predicted that the total time commitment for this project start to finish would be about 24 hours at the most.
Qualifications to Volunteer as a Writer:
- Passed any of the exams listed above and has a strong understanding of topics covered topics in said exam(s).
- ACAS credential holder who is not pursuing FCAS, or FCAS credential holder.
- Volunteers who have passed exams 6C or 6I are particularly needed
How to Volunteer:
If you fit the parameters for qualification and are interested in becoming Sample Exam Writer, please reply to admissions-volunteer@casact.org with which exam(s) you’re most interested in writing questions for, and we can provide you with more information regarding this volunteer opportunity.