2023 CAS Student Central Summer Program - Mentor Description and Sign Up

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Description of Mentor Role:

Mentors will be paired together to ensure coverage, and to give the option to split up topics and weeks assigned. The time commitment is one hour per week. Mentor/Student Cohort meetings to occur Thursdays or Fridays and will start week 2 of the program (June 17).
  • Facilitate weekly group discussions among student cohort of up to 8 participants as they advance through weekly modules covering topics including technical and soft skills, pricing, reserving, data visualization, and predictive modeling. 
  • Provide guidance to students as they work through a CAS Case Competition introduced in the third week; program will culminate with case competition presentations in the final week. 
  • A mentor orientation will be offered prior to the start of the program. Additionally, outlines will be provided to mentors to help facilitate each weekly discussion, which will occur after the students have watched a presentations on the specified topic and worked through an assignment. 
  • CAS staff liaisons will be assigned to each cohort to help support mentors and students throughout the program.
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