New Member Award (NMA)

New Members Award

Have you worked with a new CAS member who performed beyond what is reasonably expected of new members? You have a way to recognize this member and let the rest of the CAS know.

The "New Members Award" will be made annually, to one or more members of the CAS, who have made significant volunteer contributions within five years of their most recent credential.

The award works as follows:

  1. Eligibility. Any member of the CAS whose most recent credential (ACAS or FCAS) was awarded within the past five years.
  2. Nomination. Any member of the CAS can submit a nomination. 
  3. Criterion. The criteria for this award are exceptional CAS volunteer work beyond what is reasonably expected of new members. Time committed to CAS volunteer activities and leadership positions will be considered. The person making the nomination will submit a nomination form with an explanation of why the Award is merited.
  4. Submission of nominations. All nominations may be submitted using the online nomination form.  The form will be open closer to the nomination window.
  5. Selection. The New Members Working Group will review the nominations annually in July and make a recommendation to the President-Elect.
  6. Frequency. The award will be awarded annually. More than one award may be made in any one year.
  7. Timing. The award will be announced at the CAS November Annual Meeting.
  8. Recognition. The Award will include a plaque, as well as public recognition by the CAS. The recipients of the award will also be listed in the Actuarial Review.
  9. Nomination Deadline. The submission window is currently closed and will reopen in Spring 2025.

Award Recipients

2023 Winners
Ildiko Ban, Rafael Costa, Michael Mancuso, Jason Nikowitz

2022 Winners
Sandy Lowe, Sarah Manuel, Nicolas Vega, Charles Zhu

2021 Winners
Gloria Asare, Sara Chen, Kenneth S. Hsu, Erin Lachen, Allison M. Newhouse

2020 Winners
Scott Keim, Alisa Havens Walch, Kiki Wang

2019 Winners
Laura Cremerius, Melissa Huenefeldt, and Sean Smith

2018 Winners
Patrick Ford, Daniel Watt, and David Wang

2017 Winners
Charles Lindberg and Erin Olson

2016 Winners
Kevin Donnelly, Sara Hemmingson, and Walter Matthews

2015 Winners
Jennifer Balester and Dan Tevet

2014 Winners
Jonathan Charak, Michelle Iarkowski, and Melissa Tomita

2013 Winners 
Brian Chiarella and Wesley Griffiths

2012 Winner
Guillaume Benoit

2011 Winner
Vijay Manghnani