
RPM 2025
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members, Professional Education
ARIA Prize
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
CAS News, Exams & Admissions
Registration for Spring 2022 CAS Exams will open on December 28, 2021.
CAS News
Arlington, Va. – The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and Society of Actuaries (SOA) have partnered to create four virtual events in February 2022, to inform high school students about the actuarial profession as a career choice.
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
The CAS is pleased to release the Fall 2021 E-Forum, which includes the winner of the 2021 CAS Reinsurance Prize — “The Roulette Wheel and the Drunken Sailor: Principal-Agent Theory and its Ramifications for Insurance and Reinsurance Risk Management,” by Neil M. Bodoff, FCAS, MAAA.
CAS News
The Casualty Actuarial Society is accepting applications for its scholarship program for college students pursuing a career in actuarial science.
CAS News
During this webinar, members of the Committee on Qualifications (COQ) will discuss the changes to the USQS that every actuary practicing in the United States needs to know.
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members
The American Academy of Actuaries, which sets standards for qualification, practice, and conduct for actuaries practicing in the United States, has revised the standards defining the qualifications of actuaries who issue statements of actuarial opinion (SAOs) in the United States.
CAS News
The Actuaries Climate Index (ACI) has been updated with data through the spring of 2021. The ACI provides objective measures of specific and aggregate changes in climate extremes and sea level across Canada and the U.S. and is based on an analysis of seasonal data from neutral, scientific sources for six index components collected since 1961.
CAS News, Exams & Admissions
The CAS expects to release results for the Fall 2021 exam MAS-II on November 30 and MAS-I no later than the week of December 6. The results for Exams 5, 6-Canada, 6-International, 6-United States and 8 will be released mid-December.
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members
Maryellen Coggins, FCAS, CERA, began a one-year term as president of the American Academy of Actuaries earlier this month. The Academy is a national professional association of actuaries with more than 19,500 members.