CAWG 2023 Year in Review

As we come to the end of 2023, the Candidate Advocate Working Group (CAWG) wanted to reflect on what our amazing group of volunteers has accomplished.
Several CAWG members were in the spotlight this year. Celeste Bremen, FCAS, was featured during Insurance Careers Month where she discussed her current role helping price risks for companies that are rolling out new clean energy technologies. Daniel Drabik, ACAS, was in the video the CAS released when they announced the new property and casualty predictive analytics (PCPA) requirement. Finally, Ildiko Ban, FCAS, and Laura Hemmer, FCAS, were awarded the New Members Award and the Above and Beyond Achievement Award, respectively, for their outstanding contributions to the CAWG.
One of the main goals of the CAWG is to be the voice of the candidates. Throughout the year, we provided the candidate perspective to the CAS on topics of importance. For example, the CAWG provided tangible feedback on the PCPA pilot, helping to determine the name and timing. We also relied on our Quick Response Team to review candidate-facing communications from the CAS. This team identified questions that candidates might have from the communications, in addition to providing feedback from the candidate perspective. We look forward to continuing this important work in the future!
We spent some time this year thinking about the candidate landing page on the CAS website and how we wanted to use the page. The team decided this should be a navigation tool to answer common questions candidates may have. We’re pleased to share the updated webpage, and we would love to hear your ideas for what else you would like to see on this page!
A big thank you to all of the active candidates who took part in our 2023 Candidate Survey. This survey, which is conducted every two years, is a valuable opportunity for all candidates to have the CAWG and the CAS to hear your voice. Your feedback helps us understand the current cohort of candidates, so we can best serve you. Our team will be working through the results over the coming months.
We are excited to start the new year strong with our annual meeting where we’ll plan for the year ahead and welcome our new members and candidate representatives.
We wish you a happy and healthy 2024!