CAS Research, Marketing and Communication Efforts Recognized with 5 Industry Awards

The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) has received five awards across four association award programs for exemplary work completed in 2022. The four award programs include the EXCEL Awards, TRENDY Awards, ASAE Power of Associations Awards and Communicator Awards.
CAS CEO Victor Carter-Bey said, "The CAS is exceptionally proud to be recognized for our dedication, creativity and innovation by receiving these five industry awards."
The complete listing of honored projects includes:
Actuaries in Tech Social Media Campaign
Association TRENDS Trendy Award, Bronze
Communicator Awards, Award of Distinction
In order to showcase how CAS members are helping to innovate and disrupt the technology industry, we launched our very own Actuaries in Tech Month! Throughout the month of July 2022, we shared highlights of CAS members on our LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter platforms using the hashtag #ActuariesinTECH. We highlighted how our members interact with the technology sphere, focusing on personal profiles of our members who work at companies ranging from small tech start-ups to large, established technology companies. We featured interviews with CAS members working in tech on our CAS Roundtable Blog to provide additional insight into how our members are translating their actuarial skills to the tech world.
CAS Research Paper Series on Race and Insurance Pricing
Communicator Awards, Award of Excellence
EXCEL Awards, Silver
ASAE Power of Associations Awards, Gold Award
In 2020, the CAS recognized a pressing need to use our members’ specialized expertise to serve as a leader on the larger issue of potential bias in insurance pricing. Thus, as part of its CAS Strategic Approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the organization developed a CAS Approach to Race and Insurance Pricing, with activities mandated in four key areas of Education, Research, Leadership and Collaboration. The goal was to enable our community of subject matter experts to proactively engage with the insurance industry as it addresses issues of potential racial bias over the coming years. As part of this approach, the CAS created a brand-new special research series to help guide the insurance industry toward proactive, quantitative solutions to address the topic. Each paper in the CAS Research Paper Series on Race and Insurance Pricing addresses a different aspect of the topic from a property and casualty insurance perspective.