New Post Exam Summary Available
In support of the goals of the Admissions Transformation Plan to offer new study materials to candidates, the CAS has released the Spring 2023 Post Exam Summary. In light of the discontinuation of Examiners' Reports in 2020, the CAS has recognized the need to fill the void left in candidates' understanding of effective study strategies and overall exam performance. To bridge this knowledge gap, we are introducing the new "Post Exam Summary" crafted by the Syllabus and Examination Working Group. This resource is designed to provide candidates with insightful observations on candidates' exam performance, coupled with expert recommendations for improvement. The Post Exam Summary comprises a general summary section that applies universally to all constructed response exams, followed by individual sections for each of the exams administered during the last sitting. In the future, we look forward to expanding on this format and continuing to enhance this summary.
The Post Exam Summary is available through the Resources page in the Exams and Admissions section of the CAS website, along with other helpful resources for candidates.