Recruitment for French Translators

The CAS Admissions department is looking for FCAS members fluent in Quebecois French to help with French-Canadian translations. Volunteers are needed to assist with reviewing materials that have already been translated into Quebecois French, such as CAS exams and content outlines, as well as potential grading of exams.
Time commitment is expected to be approximately 20-30 hours of work. Over the next three months there will be virtual meetings along with some asynchronous work that includes developing a glossary and reviewing all materials in French for technical accuracy. In May, it is expected that there will be more asynchronous work, as well as the possibility of an in-person meeting that includes grading, for which training will be provided.
If you fit the parameters for qualification and are interested in assisting with French translations, please email and we can provide you with more information regarding this volunteer opportunity.