Results of 2021 CAS Election

Balloting for the 2021 CAS election closed on August 31, 2021.
Roosevelt Mosley has been elected President-Elect.
Justin Brenden, Kathy Olcese, Yvonne Palm, and Jason Russ have been elected to the Board of Directors.
According to the election procedures approved by the Board, all vote counts are released to the membership. These follow:
Roosevelt Mosley 2,317
Kathy Olcese 1,367
Yvonne Palm 1,338
Jason Russ 1,246
Justin Brenden 1,231
Tetteh Otuteye 1,187
Kathleen Ores Walsh 1,117
Alejandro Ortega 1,016
Daniel Fernandez 868
In addition, as previously announced, while a majority of CAS Fellows voted in favor of proposed changes to the CAS Constitution and Bylaws to streamline the governance of the Society, the proposal did not achieve the necessary threshold required for approval. Constitution and Bylaws changes require an affirmative vote from 10% of the Fellows or two-thirds of the Fellows voting, whichever is greater. The vote counts on the Bylaws proposal are as follows:
Approve: 1,358 (61.1%)
Do Not Approve: 864 (38.9%)
A total of 2,924 eligible voters cast ballots (37.9%), as compared to 1,928 eligible voters last year (33.3%). Among eligible Five-Year Associates, 26.7% cast ballots, and 40.7% of Fellows cast ballots.
Congratulations to the new President-Elect and Board members. These members will assume their positions at the close of the 2021 Annual Meeting in November.
On behalf of the CAS, I thank all of the candidates in the 2021 elections for their willingness to run and, for those elected, your servitude and leadership in the CAS.
Jessica Leong
President, Casualty Actuarial Society