CAS News
Membership / Notices to Members

Share Your Thoughts: CAS Membership Linkage Task Force Recommendations

Dear CAS Members,

I am pleased to share the "Report of the Membership Linkage Task Force (MLTF)," a set of recommendations developed to enhance the communication, collaboration, and engagement between the CAS Board of Directors and our membership.

This initiative was launched in response to member feedback encouraging greater Board transparency, including feedback received through the recent CAS Quinquennial Membership Survey. It is a significant step forward in ensuring that our strategic decisions are fully aligned with the needs and expectations of our members.

The report outlines five key recommendations aimed at strengthening the Board’s commitment to transparency, improving access to information, enhancing Board member engagement with members at events, and establishing metrics to measure the success of these efforts. These recommendations are crafted to build greater trust, enhance accountability, and deepen mutual understanding within our community.

In the spirit of transparency and collaboration that this report champions, we are inviting your feedback on the proposed initiatives. Your insights will help us refine these recommendations before they are presented for final approval at the November 2024 Board Meeting.

Please take the time to review the report and share your thoughts through the online feedback form. The deadline for submitting feedback is October 10, 2024.

Thank you for contributing to this important dialogue. Together, we can continue to strengthen the connections that make our organization a leader in the actuarial profession.

David Cummings, FCAS
CAS President-Elect and Chair of the MLTF