An Update from CAS CEO Victor Carter-Bey on the Evolving Volunteer-Staff Framework
Much progress has been made since the evolving Volunteer-Staff Framework (VSF) was introduced, and with the evolution continuing into 2022, I’m excited to provide an update to the membership on the latest developments.
As background, last spring the CAS announced the introduction of the VSF, which was adopted by the Board in late 2020. The purpose of our new model is to streamline the CAS governance structure, better leverage volunteers for their subject matter expertise, enhance the volunteer experience, and empower and hold accountable CAS Staff for the organization’s operations.
Changes Implemented
- At the Board level, the Board of Directors added a new Operational Oversight Committee and a DE&I Committee, joining the standing Board committees for Leadership Development, Nominating, Discipline, Audit, and Risk Management. These committees have enhanced the Board’s oversight and effectiveness, while allowing the Board to stay focused on developing CAS strategy and engaging with membership.
- While the plan to sunset the Executive Council layer of governance through a Bylaws proposal was not approved by the Fellows, the role of Vice Presidents continues to evolve as they advise, partner, and provide member-perspective to senior staff.
- Reorganization of the committee structure went into effect in November, as CAS’s committees below the Board level transitioned into Working Groups and Task Forces, with measurable goals and deliverables tied to the CAS Strategic Plan. As Working Groups and Task Forces accomplish their goals, they can disband, making way for new volunteer groups to form.
- The roles of CAS Staff and Volunteer leadership have been more clearly defined as they partner together, with Staff Chairs assuming responsibility and accountability for operational execution of committees, and Volunteer Chairs providing their time and talents to offer subject matter expertise and thought leadership.
On The Horizon: Enhancing the Volunteer Experience
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the CAS, and we cannot be successful without the incredibly dedicated and passionate CAS members who give their time to partner with CAS staff to achieve our Strategic Plan. The CAS Volunteer Resources Task Force is focused on launching a series of new initiatives to improve the volunteer experience in 2022, as we move into phase two of the evolving Volunteer-Staff Framework. These include:
- Matching Volunteers with Meaningful CAS Opportunities
Last year’s Volunteer Interest and Participation (VIP) Survey collected general interest areas from CAS members. This new data is being leveraged as recruitment opportunities arise. For those who missed the opportunity to provide this information, the CAS will be reaching out to capture it along with your areas of expertise. These personalized details will be incorporated into a new Volunteer Management System being implemented into CAS systems. - A Volunteer Feedback Form to capture input from members of each Committee, Working Group, and Task force bi-annually about their volunteer experience both mid-year and at the end of the annual volunteer cycle. This new feedback process will allow CAS Staff Chairs and Volunteer Chairs to improve the volunteer experience by course-correcting mid-stream and prior to the new cycle.
- Volunteer Trainings and Informational Volunteer Infographics to better orient volunteers into how their work fits into the broader CAS structure and vision, as well as to ensure a clear understanding of the goals and expectations in the upcoming year.
- Expanding the Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Program, building upon efforts made in recent years to make CAS volunteers feel valued and recognized, such as through the CAS website and its social media pages.
The CAS will continue to update its members and stakeholders as new components of the evolving Volunteer-Staff Framework are introduced. Members can view updates on the CAS webpage dedicated to this topic, including an updated set of FAQs.
In closing, I want to express my deep appreciation to all of the CAS volunteers who contribute their time and expertise to support the Society. We have an ambitious set of goals for Year 2 of our three-year Strategic Plan, and we would not be able to meet our goals without you.

Victor R. Carter-Bey, DM, Chief Executive Officer
Casualty Actuarial Society