[Webinar] From Hotels to Homes to High-Rises: Fresh Insights from 1.6 Million Fires

Event Details

12:00-1:30PM (ET)

About This Event

It's a common problem: property carriers will have a handful of large fire losses in a year and wonder - am I unlucky or am I missing something? We have studied 1.6 million fires to provide the context and usable insights that property carriers need to answer this question. Come for fresh insights on multi-family homes, as well as updates to trends seen in commercial occupancies and single-family homes.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Apply data driven insights to improve fire risk assessment and pricing strategies.
  2. Assess whether large fire losses are driven by random chance or underlying risk factors.
  3. Identify key trends in fire risk across commercial occupancies single family homes and multi family buildings.

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