Registration Dates and Fees depend on which exam candidates are taking with which organization. Please visit the individual websites of the organizations for details on dates and fees:
- Actuarial Society of South Africa
- Actuaries Institute (Australia)
- China Association of Actuaries
- Institute of Actuaries of India
- Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (U.K.)
- Society of Actuaries
The CAS also recognizes the exam waivers granted by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries University Accreditation Program for Exams 1 and 2.
Syllabus Materials

Study Tools
In referring to a published prior examination, candidates should keep in mind that the questions were based on the course of readings in effect for that particular examination and may not reflect the current course of readings.
Candidates may also expect future examinations to vary somewhat as to the proportions of question styles and subjects. New forms of questions may appear from time to time, and the total number of questions may vary from one exam sitting to the next.
The Exams and Sample Solutions are Portable Document Format (PDF) files. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the documents. If you have any questions, read our Adobe FAQ page.