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Emerging Risks

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Nick Beecroft

Reinsurance Pricing Working Party Update

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Ana Mata

Allocation, Allocation, Allocation: Where is your location now?

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Sherwin Li

Forward Looking Modelling

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Gregor Schmidlin

Predictive Modelling in Reserving

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chris Gross

Solvency Capital Estimation, Reserving Cycle, and Ultimate Risk

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Alessandro Ferriero

Non-Traditional Risk Transfer

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Martin Hanek

The Reserving Cycle Behind the Pricing Cycle

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Markus Knecht

Non-Life Actuaries – The Smart Career Choice

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Stuart Shepley

Too Big To Fail

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Lutz Wilhelmy

CAS Update

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliates - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kendra Felisky

On the Record: A Former Chief Actuary Shares her Eventual Ten-Year Journey at the ICBC

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Camille Minogue

Homeowners Profitability and Growth

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Nancy Watkins

You've Got to See it to Believe it: Data Visualization Techniques in Reserving

Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Nathaniel Loughin, Jennifer Andrzejewski

What is going on with Price Optimization in the Industry?

Price Optimization is a hot topic in the industry and has created a lot of buzz among actuaries, consumer advocate groups, industry standards bodies, regulators and legislators. This session will summarize some of the regulatory bulletins and will also include a discussion of some of the key sticking points that are preventing agreement between actuaries and regulators/consumer advocate groups on this topic. Audience participation will be highly encouraged during this session.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Brent Petzoldt

Flying Into the New World of Drones

Drones are everywhere in the news these days. And they will only become more common – and challenging! We'll start with a brief overview of what they are and why we use them, then move into the grey and evolving area of legislation and regulation. That will lead us into the insurance side of drones – underwriting issues and claims scenarios. We'll finish with a glimpse into the future and see if we can tell where the drones will take us.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Weireter

The Connected Home: Trends and Implications for Insurers

The connected home is a phrase you hear a lot these days. In this session, learn about the trends and implications for insurers as it relates to this increasingly popular development. Elements that will be discussed include: How trends in connected-home technology are creating utility for consumers that extends beyond insurance; Why the complexity of this new category and threat of adverse selection mean insurers need to get involved early in executing their own connected home strategies; What to consider as an insurer looking to harness this new data source for pricing and product innovation
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Joe Wodark

Property-Casualty Insurance – Confronting Cyclical and Structural Change

Today’s property-casualty insurance industry faces daunting challenges, both cyclical and structural. The gyrations of the insurance cycle and economic volatility represent cyclical challenges. Drivers of structural change likely to transform the industry permanently include the influx of alternative capital, enhanced analytics and emerging risks. ‘Business as usual’ and ‘managing the cycle’ are no longer viable strategies amid such conditions. The presentation features insights gleaned from recent Conning Research reports, shedding light on current conditions and the near term forecast, and pointing to future directions and new solutions.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jerry Theodorou

The State of the Cyber Insurance Market: Lots of Interest, Lots of Product Innovation – and Lots of Risk

Rick Betterley, Cyber insurance expert and publisher of Cyber/Privacy Insurance Market Survey since 2000, will update us on the current state of the Cyber insurance market, product innovations, and why the line is facing serious threats to its well-being.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Richard S. Betterley

Hydrofracking: Where We've Been, Where We Are and Where (Maybe) We Are Headed

Hydrofracking has been the hot topic in the energy field the past few years but where are we now with the dramatic drop in oil and gas prices? This session will provide a brief background on what is fracking and why it is both so promising and controversial. We'll discuss some of the challenging liability issues that it presents, including claims scenarios, policy language implications, actual claims and lawsuits and underwriting issues. We'll conclude with some thoughts on what the future of fracking may look like. Hydrofracking is an important economic, political and insurance industry issue; please join us for this interesting discussion.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Weireter, Gregory Hoffnagle

Rest Assured, Surety is an Interesting Line of Business

If you want to gain more insight into this unique line of business then this session is for you. From underwriting to claims handling, we will discuss how surety bonds are different from insurance policies. We will also look at current market conditions, surety reinsurance and how to price surety treaties.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Charles Costantini, Cynthia Cheng

Demographic Trends and the Impact on P/C Insurance

The U.S. consumer market is undergoing significant change in its social and economic structure with far-reaching implications. An analysis of the changing U.S. consumer base affords personal lines insurers not only a look at the needs and preferences of today's client (or target) but also provides insight into possible fundamental shifts that may emerge in the personal lines insurance market.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Stephan Christiansen, Rick Marchetti

ORSA – The Clock is Ticking

Financial examinations of insurance companies by state regulators have continued to evolve within the relatively recent risk-focused framework, most recently with the introduction of critical risk categories. The emphasis in this session will be on how the implementation of RMORSA laws by the states in 2015 will impact the scope and conduct of these regulatory exams. Discussion will include how ORSA filings provide valuable insight to examiners and advance the risk management focus of regulation and the challenges in using ORSA analyses in regulatory financial exams.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Lisa G. Chanzit

Weighting Reserve Indications from Multiple Methods

This session will review a paper submitted for 2014 Reserves Call Paper Program, “Applying Credibility Concepts to Develop Weights for Ultimate Claim Estimators,” and published in the associated E-Forum. The paper presents a quantitative approach to weighting reserve (or, more appropriately, ultimate loss) indications.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Rajesh Sahasrabuddhe

Autonomous Vehicles: A Bumpy Road Ahead

The era of autonomous vehicles is coming faster than many in the insurance industry might expect. This change could be one of the most significant to the automotive insurance industry since its inception. This disruption will produce a set of winners and a swath of potential losers. This session will focus on how insurers will need to respond and evolve in order to be prepared for the disruption.
Source: 2015 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chris Nyce, Nate Loughin, Joe Schneider