Membership / Notices to Members

Career Associates Share Perspectives on ACAS Voting Rights

We asked a few “Career Associates” to share their perspectives on the proposed CAS Constitution and Bylaws Amendments that would allow five-year Associates the right to vote in CAS elections for president-elect and board of directors. Here’s what they had to say.

Thomas Hettinger, ACAS (1996), CERA:

"Many Associates have volunteered time either through committee work, seminar panel participation, or paper/thought leadership. This commitment to the advancement of the CAS should not be overlooked and should also come with some basic rights to choose representation. Add in the fact that ACAS members are charged dues without a voice in how those dues are used, and this is something that many in this world would find hard to swallow (the United States was founded upon a battle cry of “No Taxation without Representation”). I personally have participated and chaired committees, (co)written papers (some made Fellowship exams), contributed endless hours of presentation materials and only want to have a small voice in how my future in the CAS is guided. I do not want to take away from what Fellows have achieved but feel that after 24 years in the CAS I can bring some value to the discussion or can help in choosing leaders that can represent all, not just some, of the members of the CAS."

Kevin Bingham, ACAS (1998), CSPA, MAAA:

“As a career Associate and long-time CAS volunteer passionate about shaping the future of our profession, I would enjoy the privilege of voting in CAS elections for President-Elect and Board of Directors. As Oren Harari said in his book The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powel, ‘The simple fact is that no matter who we are, our jobs are becoming obsolete. The skill sets and habits we call upon to do our work are a little less valuable every day. We therefore have to continually reinvent our jobs.’ I would also argue that it may be time to rethink CAS voting rights to include 1,475 Associates. The more engaged our career Associates are, the better off the CAS will be.”

Aaron Halpert, ACAS (1983):

“I am pleased that the CAS Board supports the idea of extending voting rights to experienced CAS Associate Members. As a long term Associate of the CAS during my 40 year actuarial career, I was privileged to work closely with the CAS Board on a variety of strategic, leadership development, and risk management issues facing the CAS and the profession. Giving Associates the right to vote will, I believe, encourage more Associates to actively engage with the organization. While I fully appreciate that many Fellows feel strongly that the right to vote should be directly related to success on all of the examinations, today’s environment calls on the CAS to enfranchise a larger number of Members that will help steer the organization to meet today’s challenges.

I encourage voting Members to approve this proposal.”

Esther Becker, ACAS (2001)

“I have been a passionate and involved CAS volunteer over many years, currently serving as a Vice Chair in the Professionalism Education Committee. In my leadership role I am responsible for the Course on Professionalism that all our students take and am proud of our recent accomplishments of including communication skills in the course material and adding a virtual course format during COVID-19. I am considered to be a leader in the CAS and participate in leadership meetings. Voting rights would mean a great deal to me to have the ability to further my service to our profession and it would encourage my and other associates’ engagement in the affairs of our society.”

Philip E. Heckman, ACAS (1979)

“Since I am no longer practicing, I have no personal stake in the outcome of the vote. However, Associates still practicing have at least as great a stake in the future direction of the Society as do current Fellows. Thus I believe that these Associates deserve a formal and binding voice in determining this future direction. Granting them a vote in CAS elections is clearly the right thing to do for the good of all the Members and of the CAS.”

Are you an Associate with a perspective to share? Send an email to Mike Boa at