Noa Zamstein Awarded $15,000 for Casualty Actuarial Society’s 2025 Ratemaking Research Prize

The Casualty Actuarial Society is pleased to announce that Noa Zamstein has been awarded the $15,000 Ratemaking Research Prize for her innovative paper, "Enhancing Actuarial Ratemaking with Synthetic Data for Privacy Preservation." Zamstein, senior data scientist at Earnix in Isreal, presented her paper at the Ratemaking, Product, and Modeling Seminar held in Orlando, Florida, on Monday, March 10.
This prestigious award is presented to the author of the best paper submitted in response to the call for ratemaking discussion papers issued by the Ratemaking Working Group. Papers are evaluated on the following criteria: originality of ideas, understandability of complex concepts, contribution to the ratemaking literature, thoroughness of ideas expressed, and the timeliness and relevance of the research.