CAS Leadership Development Working Group – Volunteer Questionnaire


Volunteer Leadership Opportunities

Please select the volunteer leadership opportunities that interest you (check all that apply):

CAS Leadership Development Working Group Offerings

Please select the CAS Leadership Development Working Group offerings that are of interest to you (check all that apply):

LDWG Mentorship Program matches aspiring volunteer leaders with those who have led, both in their careers and within the CAS, to allow them to focus on identified development areas. The program pairs mentors and mentees for a 6-month period, and provides a toolkit of resources to support both mentors and mentees get the most out of the experience.
Please select one of the following:
CAS Leadership Development Courses and Resources are developed by the LDC for current and future volunteer leaders.
Please indicate if you’d like to: (check all that apply)
Please indicate the areas of volunteer leadership that you are most interested in developing (Select all that apply):

The CAS Leadership Development Working Group Book Club, introduced in 2023, brings CAS members and volunteers together to talk about various aspects of leadership, as we cover a new author each quarter. Expand your network of colleagues while meeting and connecting through book club discussions, and earn up; to 3 hour of CE credit. Sign up by selecting the following box: