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Are We Meeting the Challenge

The paradigm for financial reporting, particularly with regard to the property-casualty insurance industry has changed. Actuaries are being asked to broaden the scope and detail of their reviews and opinions. This paradigm shift results from the combined effects of: * Sarbanes-Oxley * Reserve Range Disclosure * Risk of Material Adverse Deviation Disclosure * Other Opinion Changes * Greater Public Reliance * Increased Public Scrutiny This session will ask and answer the question: Are We Meeting the Challenge? The session will include perspectives from actuaries as well as senior executives and regulators who rely on, review, and react to actuarial communications regarding the financial health of insurance companies.
Source: 2006 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: general
Moderators: Elise Liebers
Panelists: Charles McClenahan, F. Lindberg, Maryanne Donaghy

Prediction of Hurricane Frequency and Intensity

The first panelist will explore the driving factors for the track, intensity and frequency of the last two years. In addition, he will give insight to their methodology and predictive skill of their forecasts, as well as how the insurance industry can incorporate this in the modeling of expected losses. The second panelist will explain the long term changing of the climate, such as global warming. He will also explain how these changes impact hurricane activity.
Source: 2006 CARe LAS - Catastrophes
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Elise Liebers
Panelists: Dali Rowe

Property Cat - The Cedant's Viewpoint

This session will focus on the process and procedures ceding companies use to manage property catastrophe exposures and the decision criteria used for structuring cat reinsurance. Participants will also discuss how these processes, procedures and decision criteria have changed given recent changes to storm frequency, rating agency models and third-party cat modeling software.
Source: 2006 CARe LAS - Catastrophes
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Elise Liebers
Panelists: Donald Mango, M. Parsons

Statistical Limitations of cat modeling: How Accurate can cat models be?

Given the limited Atlantic hurricane sample size, speakers discuss the limitations of predictive modeling from three perspectives
Source: 2006 CARe LAS - Catastrophes
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Elise Liebers
Panelists: Richard Anderson, Mark Cravens

Scientific Papers

The 2006 ERM Symposium highlights scholarly papers that explore and advance risk management topics with a focus on the analysis and practical tools related to: -Financial risks -Operational risks -Interaction between the risks i.e. diversification benefits -Integrated ERM -Creating value through ERM
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Paper

Risk Measurement Overview

There are many moving parts in current frameworks for Risk Measurement-Assumptions, historical data, models, time horizon, assets, liabilities, processes and internal and external drivers. Discussants will review the current state and evolution of the practice of risk measurement. Also discussed will be "Value at Risk-The Next Generation." Value at risk methodology for the insurance industry is evolving and remains challenging. This session will reveal enhancements to the basic methodology, addressing common criticisms relating to alternative distributions, tall dependencies and non-linear behavior. The presenter will demonstrate ways to communicate these ideas simply and to rank the most likely causes of financial distress.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Corporate Risk Management - View from Silicon Valley

Update your know-how on risk management techniques used by non-financial companies by taking this session. The experienced presenter will explore supply chain and logistics risk management, operations risk management, energy risk management and information risk management. The panelist will present a framework to categorize these risks as risks that are transferable vs. non-transferable and risks that are tactical vs. strategic. The session will also address the challenges in implementing a risk management program for manufactured goods which lack traded markets for futures and options contracts and the application of real-options methodology in such situations. This session is a great way to explore the similarities and differences in risk management techniques in use across a range of industries.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent


Gain insights into securitization in this informative session. The securitization wave is sweeping the insurance industry. More and more insurers are starting to implement this great risk management technique. An expert will share practical challenges and insights related to the unique characteristics of the securitization approaches in the insurance industry.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

ERM in Light of Good Corporate Governance

Learn how governance structures can support ERM. Risk management is more than just a set of algorithms and assumptions for calculating value-at-risk or economic capital. To be effective, risk management must have the proper place within the governance system of an enterprise. Risk management must have a high profile and enough authority to impact on the risks taken by the organization before those risks become losses. Speakers will also discuss the ways breakdowns in good governance can add significant risks to an organization as well as the specific consequences of those breakdowns.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Economic Captial: Trends in Implementation

Enhance your understanding of the interdisciplinary approach to economic capital issues in this informative session. This session will provide case studies of how leading-edge insurance companies have managed to implement an Economic Capital framework into their business decisionmaking and performance measurement. Risks covered include financial and non-financial risks. The companies will provide both cross-sector and multinational perspectives.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Scientific Papers

The 2006 ERM Symposium highlights scholarly papers that explore and advance risk management topics with a focus on the analysis and practical tools related to: - Financial risks - Operational risks - Interaction between the risks i.e. diversification benefits - Integrated ERM - Creating value through ERM
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Paper

Technological Innovations - Delivering on the Promise: The ERM Infastructure

Join technology and business leaders as they discuss challenges and accomplishments in modernizing risk technology (the CDO & CRO in partnership) to meet changing regulatory and business requirements for ERM.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Rating Agencies Views Toward ERM

Get a new perspective in this session as rating agency presenters provide their views on ERM. ERM is becoming an increasingly important component of the ratings analysis of insurers and reinsurers and could ultimately have a material impact on the ratings decision they make. The approach that each rating agency is taking appears to be different and the standards for ERM practices are yet undefined. In this exciting session, knowledgeable rating agency presenters will discuss how ERM will integrate into their respective ratings analysis.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Exploiting Risk

How do you "exploit risk?" A key feature of any risk management system is identifying and effectively managing threats to the organization - playing defense. But, as is often touted about ERM, there should also be an offensive component to the game plan. This session features knowledgeable panelists who will share experiences and provide practical guidance as to how organizations can recognize and take advantage of the risks they face.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Correlation of Risks, Integrated Risk Management

Seize this opportunity to gain an understanding of risk correlations. A key development of enterprise risk management over traditional risk management is that risks should be viewed in the aggregate in an integrated manner. Different risks might not behave independently but instead have some relationship or correlation to other risks. Consequently this aggregation might look very different compared to a simple addition of risks in isolation. Given this scenario, then it is very important to understand risk correlations as best as possible in order to take the appropriate risk management actions. In this session you'll learn about these basic issues as an expert presenter speaks to recent developments within the financial services sector.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

ERM in insurance

Increase your knowledge on a variety of issues related to ERM in insurance as expert panelists cover a wide range of topics. There are several stages of development in ERM ranging from largely compliance-related activities to better decision-making that appropriately considers risk-reward trade-offs and value creation. Although insurance companies are beginning to recognize the potential for creating value through integrated risk and capital management, many still lack the practical methods for doing so. In this session we will compare and contrast the state of the property/casualty insurance industry with the life insurance industry with regard to ERM. Through a moderated discussion, expert panelists will cover a variety of issues including: - How and if companies are thinking about risk limits - Where they see themselves on the continuum between compliance and value creation - How companies are responding to increasing rating analyst interest in ERM - Challenges they face in operationalizing ERM - Other timely subjects.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Modeling of Economic Series

Here's your opportunity to get a foundation on the projection of economic and financial scenarios particularly regarding interest rates, inflation, equity, returns, dividend yields, real estate returns and unemployment. At this session, the presenter will review important work in the economic financial and actuarial literature, the identification and development of appropriate data sources and methodologies and the creation of a model for projecting economic scenarios. This work has relevance to any risk management application involving financial scenario modeling including dynamic financial analysis, regulatory and management tests and cash flow testing
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Identification and Measurement of Extreme Events

How will extreme events impact your organization? Participate in a group discussion on the potential impact of tail events that could influence the economy and society in general, with a focus on the financial impacts. Identify ways to reduce the impact of unusual events. Knowledgeable panelists will discuss topical events and could include: - Avian Flu - Bioterrorism - Hyperinflation - Detonation of a dirty bomb - Radioactive contamination - Meteor impact - Catastrophic earthquake - A major discontinuity in markets.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Integrating ERM into Corporate Decision Making

Be a part of this session and learn how companies are successfully integrating emerging ERM processes without unduly slowing down the process. The ERM process of identifying and quantifying exposures to the enterprise has little value unless it is integrated into the corporate decision-making process. Unfortunately, corporate decision making predates ERM and although risk is never ignored in the corporate decision-making processes, integrating emerging ERM practices into the existing process in a more formal way is one of the challenges that risk managers face today. As part of the integration process, risk managers must also seek a balance between good decisions that effectively reflect risk management considerations and unduly slowing down the process itself. Knowledgeable panelists will speak on this topic from their own experiences.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Scientific Papers

The 2006 ERM Symposium highlights scholarly papers that explore and advance risk management topics with a focus on the analysis and practical tools related to: -Financial risks -Operational risks -Interaction between the risks i.e. diversification benefits -Integrated ERM -Creating value through ERM
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Paper

ERM Technology: Advanced Risk Measurement and Decision Support

Attend this session to learn about the people, process and technology needed for advanced risk measurement monitoring and decision support. Expert presenters explore common challenges that companies face in developing automated solutions, achieving satisfactory run times and reaching organizational alignment between risk measurement and technology disciplines. Presenters will cover techniques for moving risk measurement capabilities into production with appropriate controls while retaining the flexibility needed for ad hoc analysis and decision support. They will also discuss and illustrate how business intelligence solutions can be used to provide risk managers with sophisticated dashboard reporting capabilities for real-time analysis and business decision support.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

ERM in Banking

Hone your knowledge of ERM in banking and learn some of the best practices in risk management in this unique session. Although ERM in banking is still in its initial stages, as it is everywhere, banks have made an essential contribution to developing best techniques and practices related to risk management within the financial services industry and beyond. In many countries, the banking risk management regulations influence other economic sectors' requirements for institutionalizing risk management techniques. As a result, various financial and non-financial entities are trying to adopt best practices from banks to their own situations. In this session, you'll learn about some of these banking techniques and expand your knowledge on a number of recent ERM developments in banking. An experienced bank risk management and ALM practitioner will discuss the evolution of the current state of the practice and where it is headed.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Implementing Regulatory Capital

Get the latest information on recent developments in implementing regulatory capital in this exciting session. The insurance industry is undergoing significant changes in the determination of risk-based capital and reserves at a worldwide level. Models have been put in place in Canada and the U.S. (for variable annuities) and are in the process of being rolled out for other life and annuity products in the U.S. over the next several years. Expert presenters will explore current developments at the regulatory level and the implications for insurance companies worldwide.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Operational Risk Management

Don't miss this opportunity to increase your understanding of the best practices and approaches for managing operational risks. Operational risks can wreak havoc on an insurance company whether they are related to a particular event or result from a business decision. However, most insurers have only developed sophisticated techniques for dealing with financial risks and strategies. The expert will explore techniques for assessing operational risks to understand the key risks to be managed and quantified. The presenter will also explore how analysis of existing data and other risk management activities can be leveraged and how managing operational risk can help to optimize both financial and operational strategies. - Why good inputs are not enough - Implications for practice
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

ERM Research & Education at Leading Universities

ERM is no longer just about market risk in a bank. It has to do with financial and non-financial risk, that includes operational and environmental risks, and how they are dealt with holistically. The panel will discuss what we are doing in universities to prepare for this and coordinating a multidisciplinary effort.
Source: 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent