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Hurricane Katrina

The insurance implications go far beyond the unprecedented scale of the losses, from various lawsuits all the way to policy debates on disaster management. And still uncertainties remain around future hurricane trends.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Doug Collins
Keywords: Hurricane Katrina

Individual Capital Assessments

MCR - Minimum Capital Requirements, ECR - Enhanced Capital Requirements, ICA - Individual Capital Assessments, and ICG - Individual Capital Guidance. Together, these form the 2nd pillar of the FSA's new capital supervision.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: David Slater
Keywords: Capital Assessments

US Asbestos Liability

including the recent claims surge and the latest legal and legislative developments
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Romy Comiter
Keywords: Liability

German P/C Insurance Market

Germany is still the largest P/C market in Europe (similar to the UK), despite a period of decreasing premiums after deregulation in 1995.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Dieter Köhnlein
Keywords: europe


The DAV currently has over 2,400 members and is implementing a new education system in 2006.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Michael Steinmet

Solvency II Briefing

Solvency II Briefing - including some of the influences and governance processes leading to the rules (expected) to be published in 2008
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Catherine Cresswell
Keywords: solvency II

Modern Methods in Personal Lines Pricing

closer look at Modern Methods in Personal Lines Pricing
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CAE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Duncan Anderson
Keywords: personal lines, pricing

Changing skill set of Actuaries

Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Sally Ezra

Use of Hurricane Models in Rate Filings

Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Marty Simons
Keywords: Hurricane, Hurricane Models, Rate Filings

Current CAS Initiatives

Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Wolf

Increased Reliance on Computer Modeling Territorial Clustering: Determining Optimal Territorial Definitions Based on Zip-Code Data

Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Klayton Southwood
Keywords: Computer Modeling, Clustering

Predictive Modeling / DFA / Enterprise Risk: Claims/Agency Metrics and Other Non-traditional Applications of Predictive Modeling

Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Roosevelt Mosely
Keywords: Predictive Modeling, DFA, Enterprise Risk

Actuarial Data Management

This session will discuss the paper written by Dr. Russell and Joseph Strube entitled "Actuarial Data Management In A High-Volume Transactional Processing Environment". The paper examines the evolution of the actuarial data management function in the context of end user computing, and highlights the key roles and processes that comprise an effective data management operation in a modern property/casualty actuarial department.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Bryant Russell
Keywords: Actuarial Data Management

Finite Reinsurance

Beginning in late 2004, risk transfer and reinsurance accounting has been a hot topic in the property and casualty industry. In addition highly publicized subpoenas issued by the SEC and the US DOJ, the NAIC was taken significant steps in changing the financial reporting requirements for reinsurance. As part of this process, there has been regular interaction between the NAIC, the American Academy of Actuaries and the CAS on the topic of risk transfer in reinsurance products. This session will provide a summary of the issues and an update on the status of NAIC proposals for disclosures and CEO/CFO attestations, as well as its proposal to bifurcate reinsurance contracts under SSAP 62.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Marc Oberholtzer
Keywords: risk transfer and reinsurance accounting, property and casualty, financial reporting, NAIC, the American Academy of Actuaries

Practical Enterprise Risk Management

What does it take to turn ERM from a conceptual, 50,000 foot-level exercise into an operational system for day-to-day decision-making in an insurance company? How can general indications be turned into specific, granular indications that increase the value of the firm? Several ingredients are required, including the right kind of management buy-in and a robust modeling platform. This session will cover how this process has been achieved in the real world by the managers who made it happen. We will discuss the obstacles that had to be overcome and how ERM analysis was translated into tangible business value in capital management, reinsurance management and other areas.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chris Suchar
Keywords: ERM, capital management, reinsurance management

What's Keeping Insurance CEOs Awake at Night

Despite the flush times for p/c insurers, there are still plenty of CEOs tossing and turning all night. This presentation will examine how the industry returned to profitability and, more importantly, whether our not it can stay that way. Discussions will include an overview of recent financial performance and its main drivers: underwriting, pricing, investment income, expense management and leverage. The current state of the tort environment, exposure to catastrophic risk (including terrorism) and emerging risks will also be presented. Emerging risks and Important trends in key lines (e.g., personal auto, workers comp) will also be examined.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Hartwig
Keywords: terrorism, emerging risks, p/c insurers, state of the tort environment, exposure to catastrophic risk

Loss Reserve Developments

In light of the recent public scrutiny on loss reserves we will review industry data from the largest developments noted in the industry. Using this data we will examine the merits of various external viewpoints and further examine the role of actuarial practice. Is the Statement of Actuarial Opinion serving the profession properly and are we as actuaries serving our profession properly? To what extent is this an educational matter and to what extent is this a matter of improving actuarial practice? This session will examine the data and discuss the action the profession is taking on this issue.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chuck Emma
Keywords: loss reserves, Statement of Actuarial Opinion

FACT Act and Credit Scores

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 ("FACT Act" ) requires the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Reserve Board to conduct a study on the effects of credit scores and credit-based insurance scores on the availability and affordability of financial products. These products include credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, and property and casualty insurance. As part of its efforts to fulfill its obligations under the Act, the FTC has sought public comment on any evidence the FTC and the Board should consider in conducting this study. The study is due to Congress on December 4, 2005. This session will discuss the FACT Act study as it relates to Property and Casualty Insurance.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Greg Hayward, Rick Smith
Keywords: Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Reserve Board, Property and Casualty Insurance

The Effect of Changing Exposure Levels on Calendar Year Loss Trends

Chris Styrsky, FCAS, MAAA, will present his Ratemaking Call Paper submission. The paper illustrates the impact that changing exposure levels have on calendar year loss trends by creating a situation where the calendar year loss trends are inaccurate. The results show that the calendar year loss trends can be distorted significantly by exposure level changes, with the potential to affect rate levels if not accounted for. However, the effect of changing exposure could be accounted for. The proposed method of data organization will allow the impact of changing exposure levels to be negated, allowing actuaries to set more precise rates.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chris Styrsky
Keywords: Ratemaking Call Paper submission

Enterprise Risk Management

Kevin Dickson, FCAS, MAAA and past chair of the CAS/SOA ERM Symposium. Enterprise Risk Management is receiving a great deal of attention in corporations around the world - extending far beyond the realm of insurance companies. So why are actuaries, CAS and SOA actuaries included, placing such a high priority on staking a claim to this field? Kevin will discuss the CAS's past and current initiatives in this field and also why this particular field ought to be of interest to actuaries.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kevin Dickson
Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management

Update on AAA Casualty Practice Council Activities

Mary Miller, FCAS, MAAA, will update us on recent developments of the AAA Casualty Practice Council and answer our questions about issues.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Mary Miller
Keywords: ecent developments of the AAA Casualty Practice Council

State of the Reinsurance Market

Bill Godfrey, Managing Director of Guy Carpenter, will update the membership on the current state of the Reinsurance Market. He will discuss rating agency actions, industry results, and the effect of new entrants and catastrophes on availability and pricing. He will also discuss the effect that the recent hurricanes and tsunami are likely to have on the market in 2005.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Bill Godfrey
Keywords: current state of the Reinsurance Market, new entrants and catastrophes on availability and pricing

Workers' Compensation State of the Market

Dennis Mealy, FCAS, Chief Actuary of the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), will update the membership on the current state of the Workers' Compensation market. He will also discuss recent and future changes to the NCCI ratemaking methodology.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Dennis Mealy
Keywords: current state of the Workers' Compensation market

Insolvencies 101

Frederick O. Kist, FCAS, MAAA, Senior Vice President and Chief Actuary, Kemper Insurance Company. The NAIC has reported an increasing trend in companies who have become insolvent or have triggered regulatory action. Mr. Kist will examine the issues surrounding insolvencies, the state of run?off today, and whether the current regulatory environment is effective in dealing with major insolvencies. Few actuaries are actually involved in insolvencies or commercial run?off. Mr. Kist will discuss through actual experience the issues and challenges that actuaries are presented with when their companies become financially troubled. Those actuaries who become involved in these situations can expect to play both traditional and nontraditional actuarial roles.
Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Frederick Kist
Keywords: current regulatory environment, traditional and nontraditional actuarial roles

Reform or the Road to Government Insurance

Source: 2005 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jordan Solway
Keywords: governement insurance