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Views on Risk Capital

Economic Capital vs. Rating Agency Capital vs. Regulatory
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Leveraging ERM for Regulatory and Business Value

Leveraging ERM for Regulatory and Business Value
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

ERM: Translating Risk Monitoring and Measurement into Decision Making

ERM: Translating Risk Monitoring and Measurement into Decision Making
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

ERM Success Stories: Making a case for ERM

ERM Success Stories: Making a case for ERM
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Creation of Value through ERM

Creation of Value through ERM
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: concurrent

Challenging ERM Issues

General Session 4: Challenging ERM Issues
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: general

General Session 3: Proper Alignment of Senior Management Measures and Incentives

General Session 3: Proper Alignment of Senior Management Measures and Incentives
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: general

General Session 2: Current Thinking on Risk Management: Not Fooled by Randomness

General Session 2: Current Thinking on Risk Management: Not Fooled by Randomness
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: general

General Session 1: Frontline Briefing on ERM

General Session 1: Frontline Briefing on ERM
Source: 2005 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: general

General Trends in Tort Litigation

The panelists will discuss the historical and prospective loss cost trends by liability line of business in terms of: * total cost and frequency of large loss awards * their impact on the insurance & reinsurance industry. They will also mention potential tort reforms with their implications
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Kathy Garrigan
Panelists: Claire Louis, Stephen Lowe
Keywords: General Trends in Tort Litigation

Enterprise Risk
Management - The Present and the Future CAS

This session will (i) provide an update on many ERM-related activities and organizations, including the COSO framework, PRMIA, GARP, ERMII, IAA and AAA task forces; (ii) explain the Joint Section in more detail: mission, scope, plans; and (iii) challenge the audience for their feedback, opinions and interest in volunteering for Joint Section committees.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Paul Silberbush
Panelists: Gary Venter, Christopher Bohn
Keywords: ERM-related activities and organizations, COSO framework, PRMIA, GARP, ERMII, IAA and AAA task forces

Enterprise Risk Management - Modeling Corporate Risk - An Opportunity

This session will (i) provide an update on many ERM-related activities and organizations, including the COSO framework, PRMIA, GARP, ERMII, IAA and AAA task forces; (ii) explain the Joint Section in more detail: mission, scope, plans; and (iii) challenge the audience for their feedback, opinions and interest in volunteering for Joint Section committees.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Paul Silberbush
Panelists: Gary Venter, Christopher Bohn
Keywords: ERM-related activities and organizations, COSO framework, PRMIA, GARP, ERMII, IAA and AAA task forces

Property/Casualty -Loss Reserves

The panelists will discuss the results of their studies, examining to what extent reserve developments caused or contributed to financial failures and what role actuarial practice may have played. Panelists will also explore what lessons these reviews have given our profession, how we can educate industry observers, and other recent initiatives.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Daniel Kamen
Panelists: Thomas Ryan, Charles Emma
Keywords: Property/Casualty -Loss Reserves

Current Loss Reserving Developments

The panelists will discuss the results of their studies, examining to what extent reserve developments caused or contributed to financial failures and what role actuarial practice may have played. Panelists will also explore what lessons these reviews have given our profession, how we can educate industry observers, and other recent initiatives.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Daniel Kamen
Panelists: Thomas Ryan, Charles Emma
Keywords: reserve developments, Current Loss Reserving Developments

CAS Examination Process

The examination process continues to be one of the hottest topics for Casualty Actuarial Society members and candidates. In the past few years, the CAS has made material changes in order to improve the examination process. The changes are intended to better prepare candidates and more appropriately identify the truly qualified candidates. This panel will address some of these changes, including learning objectives, question-writing training, and setting pass scores.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Daniel Kamen
Panelists: Steven Armstrong, Thomas Struppeck, Manalur Sandilya
Keywords: examination process, learning objectives, question-writing training, and setting pass scores

Accounting for Loss Contingencies

Sessions panelists will discuss various actuarial approaches to dealing with high-risk issues. Professionals familiar with SEC definitions of fraud and their sentencing guidelines will also provide their insight.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Anne Petrides
Panelists: Allison Spivey
Keywords: definitions of fraud, Accounting for Loss Contingencies, high-risk issues

Accounting Implications of Actuarial Decisions

Sessions panelists will discuss various actuarial approaches to dealing with high-risk issues. Professionals familiar with SEC definitions of fraud and their sentencing guidelines will also provide their insight.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Anne Petrides
Panelists: Allison Spivey
Keywords: Accounting Implications, various actuarial approaches, fraud, high-risk issues

Actuarial Techniques in Banking Operational Risks

This session will describe the latest techniques being used in the banking industry to resolve this problem.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Giuseppe Russo
Panelists: Ali Samad-Khan
Keywords: Actuarial Techniques in Banking Operational Risks, latest techniques, banking industry

Developments in Regulatory Capital Models Around the World

This session will discuss how different regulators determine whether an insurer's (or reinsurer's) capital is sufficient for regulatory purposes and how they should determine this.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: general
Moderators: David Snow
Panelists: Lou Felice, Gary Wells, Mary Monroe
Keywords: regulators determine whether an insurer's (or reinsurer's) capital is sufficient, regulatory

Rating Agencies

This session will present members of the various rating agencies discussing the issues and factors that influence their models, as well as the issues that they feel have defied precise quantification to date and how they attempt to deal with them.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: general
Moderators: James Larkin
Panelists: Matthew Mosher, Keith Buckley
Keywords: Rating Agencies

Risk Transfer

In this session, actuaries and accountants familiar with risk transfer requirements will discuss the current state of practice and the challenges facing the industry and the actuarial profession.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: general
Moderators: James Larkin
Panelists: John Purple, Michael Wacek, Donald Doran
Keywords: Risk Transfer, risk transfer requirements

Our Credibility at Risk? Loss Reserves-Facts and Perceptions

This session will focus on the similarities and differences of the issues, as well as the conclusions reached and action steps taken by each organization.
Source: 2005 Annual Meeting
Type: general
Moderators: Michael Dubin
Panelists: Patricia Teufel, Mary Miller, Steve Dreyer
Keywords: Credibility at Risk, Loss Reserves-Facts

Risk Transfer

This session will provide an overview of FAS 113 and related statements
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Panelists: John Aquino, Jane Taylor, Michael Wacek
Keywords: FAS 113, Risk Transfer

Part 4 Methods and Models

Presentation of findings and lead a discussion on the methods outline in the paper on methods currently used to quantify variability, in loss reserves with unified notation and terminology
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Michael Dubin
Panelists: Gary Venter, Joseph Marker, Mark Shapland, Julie Sims
Keywords: unified notation and terminology, loss reserves, quantify variability

Decision Trees for Data Exploration and Modeling

Discussion of basic concepts of CART and also suggest a variety of actuarial applications.
Source: 2005 Special Interest Seminar on Predictive Modeling
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Michael Dubin
Panelists: James Guszcza, Daniel Steinberg
Keywords: CART, actuarial applications, Decision Trees for Data Exploration and Modeling