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You Set the Reserve

Participants will receive three sets of data and will be asked to develop reserve estimates using the basic methods presented.
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Jane Taylor, Marc Oberholtzer, Derek Jones, Jeremy Pecora, Kurt Johnson, Theodore Shalack, Charles White, Nancy Arico, Vincent Yezzi, Richard Atkinson, David Vogt, Christopher Lattin, Craig Taylor, D. Lamb, Lorie Darrow, Marc Pearl, Elliot Burn, Karin Rhoads, Scott Anderson, Bonnie Shek, David Westerholm, Larry White, Gail Kappeler, Charles Cici
Keywords: Reserve

Comparison of Techniques

This session presents basic questions surrounding a reserve estimate
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Jane Taylor, Marc Oberholtzer, Derek Jones, Jeremy Pecora, Kurt Johnson, Theodore Shalack, Charles White, Nancy Arico, Vincent Yezzi, Richard Atkinson, David Vogt, Christopher Lattin, Craig Taylor, D. Lamb, Lorie Darrow, Marc Pearl, Elliot Burn, Karin Rhoads, Scott Anderson, Bonnie Shek, David Westerholm, Larry White, Gail Kappeler, Charles Cici
Keywords: reserve estimate

Considerations in Evaluating Reserves

Basic understanding of the CAS Statement of Principles Regarding Loss and Loss Adjustment Expense Reserves
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Jane Taylor, Marc Oberholtzer, Derek Jones, Jeremy Pecora, Kurt Johnson, Theodore Shalack, Charles White, Nancy Arico, Vincent Yezzi, Richard Atkinson, David Vogt, Christopher Lattin, Craig Taylor, D. Lamb, Lorie Darrow, Marc Pearl, Elliot Burn, Karin Rhoads, Scott Anderson, Bonnie Shek, David Westerholm, Larry White, Gail Kappeler, Charles Cici
Keywords: Statement of Principles, Loss and Loss Adjustment Expense Reserves

What one person writes and another person reads are often two different things!

What one person writes and another person reads are often two different things!
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Athula Alwis
Panelists: Mary Miller, Tony Jones, Andrew Lund

GRIT Overview

General insurance Reserving Issues Taskforce
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Athula Alwis
Panelists: Mary Miller, Tony Jones, Andrew Lund
Keywords: General insurance Reserving

North American Investment Grade Research

US Insurance – Market Views on P&C Insurers
Source: 2005 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Athula Alwis
Panelists: Mary Miller, Tony Jones, Andrew Lund
Keywords: P&C, US Insurance

Group Project

Group Project
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Jeffrey Dollinger, Daniel Kamen, Jeanne Ying

Advanced Topis Panel and Audience Discussion

This session should include a lively discussion of the following topics with the panel and audience: * Role of the actuary in the underwriting process. How they can provide maximum value to their company. * The value and role of the actuary at underwriting audits. * Role of actuary in negotiation and deal structuring process. * Potential sources of bias in actuarial analysis. * Interaction of pricing actuaries and underwriting. * What actuaries do well and what they do badly. * Risk/return measures. * Considering legislative and underwriting changes. * What actuaries did wrong at the bottom of the last underwriting cycle and how we can do better in the future.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Jeffrey Dollinger, Daniel Kamen, Jeanne Ying

Advanced Topis Panel and Audience Discussion

This session should include a lively discussion of the following topics with the panel and audience: * Role of the actuary in the underwriting process. How they can provide maximum value to their company. * The value and role of the actuary at underwriting audits. * Role of actuary in negotiation and deal structuring process. * Potential sources of bias in actuarial analysis. * Interaction of pricing actuaries and underwriting. * What actuaries do well and what they do badly. * Risk/return measures. * Considering legislative and underwriting changes. * What actuaries did wrong at the bottom of the last underwriting cycle and how we can do better in the future.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Jeffrey Dollinger, Daniel Kamen, Jeanne Ying

Evaluating Loss Sensitive Treaty Terms

This session will start by reviewing different treaty features. It will then discuss methods for deriving aggregate distributions.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Athula Alwis

Excess Reinsurance Historic Loss Development

This session will cover the many special issues relating to this line of business. Topics will include a discussion of loss trends, particularly dealing with sharply different medical and indemnity severity trends and often declining frequency.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Athula Alwis

Workers Compensation Excess of Loss Pricing

This session will cover the many special issues relating to this line of business. Topics will include a discussion of loss trends, particularly dealing with sharply different medical and indemnity severity trends and often declining frequency.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Athula Alwis

Property Per Risk Rating

The speaker will discuss the methodology and data underlying the ISO PSOLD property per risk rating model, and he will evaluate the product's strengths and weaknesses.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Gail Tverberg

US Casulty Exposure Rating

This session will start with a review of the mechanics of exposure rating, including the calculation and uses of limited expected values and the importance of deriving client-specific gross loss ratios.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Gail Tverberg

Pricing Umbrella and Excess on Excess

This session will start with a review of the mechanics of exposure rating, including the calculation and uses of limited expected values and the importance of deriving client-specific gross loss ratios.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Gail Tverberg

Casulty Exposure

This session will start with a review of the mechanics of exposure rating, including the calculation and uses of limited expected values and the importance of deriving client-specific gross loss ratios.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Gail Tverberg

Sample Experience Rating

This session will review the mechanics and finer points of experience rating.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Gail Tverberg

Introduction to Experience Rating

This session will review the mechanics and finer points of experience rating.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Gail Tverberg

Catastrophe Modeling

This session will discuss the basic elements of cat modeling, including a review of the meteorological, engineering, and insurance modules that comprise nearly all catastrophe models.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Chris Styrsky

Reinsurance Structures and On Level Loss Ratios

This session will start with a review of standard and non-standard reinsurance structures as well as a discussion of the various motivations for the buyers.
Source: 2005 CARe LAS - Reinsurance Boot Camp on Pricing Techniques
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Millie Lo

Managing a Global Catastrophe Portfolio

Catastrophes continue to be a major risk factor for the reinsurance industry. Managing a global catastrophe portfolio is a complex task. The panel will discuss some of the aspects of management of a global cat portfolio, such as accumulations, portfolio optimization, pricing implications, volatility and diversity, and diversification leverage.
Source: 2005 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Cheng-sheng Wu
Panelists: Kevin O'Donnell, Brian Secrett

International Regulatory Changes

As approaches used by regulatory regimes and rating agencies to evaluate capital adequacy are converging, insurance companies are refocusing risk management systems to support a more robust evaluation of corporate capital adequacy. With this in mind, current capital adequacy requirements from various regulatory regimes and rating agencies will be discussed in the session as well as the capital adequacy approach anticipated under the Solvency II Directive (effective date thought to be 2009 or 2010). Preliminary views on insurance companies' plans for meeting these anticipated requirements will also be presented. Additionally, the session will focus on the new guidelines on liability valuation for general insurance. These guidelines have been implemented in the Asia Pacific Region in 2001 and similar guidelines will be implemented in Europe under IFRS Phase II. Practical actuarial applications that can be used to satisfy some of theses valuation requirements will be presented.
Source: 2005 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Cheng-sheng Wu
Panelists: Eric Lecoeur, Frank Achtert

The Reinsurance Buying Process-Have the Rules Changed?

Learn what factors drive reinsurance purchases, how markets are selected, and how the deal gets "done" (or not). Session panelists will discuss what constitutes a "successful" placement, whether the claims process has changed, and whether it influences buying. This session will address collection issues such as disputes, insolvency, runoff, and will argue if reinsurance is as valuable today.
Source: 2005 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Paul Brehm
Panelists: Scott Belden, Robert Andrews

Risk Transfer - What Changes Are On The Horizon?

In the past twelve months there has been an elevated level of scrutiny in many areas of the insurance industry including the use and alleged misuse of structured products. As a result of this heightened state of scrutiny, questions regarding risk transfer are coming up again and again. What changes might occur from a regulatory, audit and industry perspective regarding how risk transfer will be analyzed? Is the 10%-10% rule of thumb appropriate? Who should ultimately be responsible for determining whether risk transfer exists? Please join this session to hear from an audit actuary, a regulatory actuary and a reinsurance brokerage actuary about what changes may be on the horizon.
Source: 2005 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Paul Brehm
Panelists: Chester Szczepanski, Bruce Fell, Marc Oberholtzer, Lisa Walsh

Getting to Know Your Customer - What Motivates the Purchase of Reinsurance?

The motivation to purchase reinsurance and how to determine its structure are often decided by many internal and external factors. The decision may be influenced by technical issues, relationships, market conditions, as well as numerous other items. This session will explore this topic from the perspectives of individuals employed at organizations representing the three main parties to a reinsurance contract: a primary company, a broker, and a reinsurer.
Source: 2005 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Paul Brehm
Panelists: Pierre Laurin, John Tedeschi, Gerard Palisi