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But you may use the Capability Model now to help you identify topics. For example, if you want to move up one level under the content area “Functional Expertise,” you may search topics in the particular functional area to expand your knowledge.

Recorded content is searchable by Capability Model attribute and level in the CAS Online Library.

Exposures Traditionally Covered in the Financial Markets: Assessment of Capital Market Pricing, Areas of Opportunity and Potential Pitfalls for Reinsurers

Source: 2000 CARe Reinsurance and Capital Market Pricing Methods
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Nicholas Giuntini
Keywords: Assessment of Capital Market Pricing, Opportunity and Potential Pitfalls for Reinsurers

Energy Derivatives: How They Are Priced, How the Cost of Capital is Considered, and Potential Opportunities for Reinsurers

Source: 2000 CARe Reinsurance and Capital Market Pricing Methods
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Jack Cogen
Keywords: cost of capital, reinsurance

Risk Load: How it started; Where it is; and Where it's going

Source: 1998 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Glenn Meyers
Keywords: risk

GS2: Chief Risk Officer Panel

GS1: Evolution of the Role of Actuaries in Risk Management

FS2: Luncheon Address: "Are Actuaries Feeling Edgy?"

FS1: Featured Speaker

CS9: Professionalism for Enterprise Risk Management

CS8: Cyber Risk Case Study: A Scenario-Based Approach to Identifying and Mitigating Key Threats

CS7: Insurance company asset management and valuation aspects of long dated cash flow

CS6-R: Model Governance for Advanced Analytics: What's Different and What Have We Learned?

CS6: Model Governance for Advanced Analytics: What's Different and What Have We Learned?

CS5: Predictive Analytics in ERM: New Opportunities and New Challenges

CS4: Asset Liability Management and Modeling in Life Insurance

CS3: Enterprise Risk Appetite Statement: From Creation to Execution

CS27: The Regulatory and Industry Views on ORSA in the US and Canada

CS26: Silent Cyber

CS25: Linking Risk Appetite to Decision Making

CS24: Emerging Risk Insights: The Risks that Change Everything

CS23: Economic Scenario Generators: Insurance Applications And Modelling/Calibration Considerations Near The "Zero Lower Bound"

CS22: Best Practices in Managing Variable Annuity (VA) Financial Risk

CS21: Model Risk Management: Industry Practices in Action

CS20: Model Risk Management - From Qualitative to Quantitative

CS2: Model Risk Management: Industry Practices and Regulators' Expectations

CS19: Making Better Decisions with Risk Intelligence