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G-3: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bob Wolf, Member, CAS Board of Directors
Panelists: Peter Singer, Strategist and Senior Fellow, New America Foundation; Craig Allen, Senior Consultant, Company Commonwealth Research Group, Inc.; Michael Beekey, Security Officer, Computer Task Group, Inc.; Peter Venetis, Manager, Company PricewaterhouseCoopers

G-2: The Practical Reality of ERM and Your Responsibilities

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: David Schraub, Staff Fellow, Society of Actuaries
Panelists: David Raszeja, Chief Ethics and Risk Officer, Penn Mutual; Tony Dardis, Consulting Actuary, Milliman; Dave Ingram, EVP, Willis Re; Lori Ramos, CEO, Athos Risk; Kathryn Hyland, SVP, Swiss Re

G-1: The Evolving Regulatory Environment

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Clifford Rossi, Professor-of-the-Practice, Finance Department, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
Panelists: Elisabetta Russo, ERM Advisor, National Association of Insurance Commissioners; Danny Saenz, Deputy Commissioner, Financial Regulation Division, Texas Department of Insurance; Chris Finger, Associate Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve Board; Colin Lawrence, Partner, Risk Finance and Regulation, Ernst & Young, LLP and former Strategic Risk Advisor to the Deputy Governor Prudential Regulation Authority, Bank of England and Director, Risk Specialists Division, Financial Services Authority

C-20: U.S. and European Case Studies: Risk Management Systems for Regulatory, Economic Capital and Decision-Making Purposes

Key modeling characteristics of economic-based (market-consistent) risk management systems are the focus of this session. Using case studies of successful implementations of risk management systems at both European and U.S. insurers, panelists will demonstrate practical approaches to proxy liability modeling (e.g., replicating portfolios, curve fitting), integrating market and insurance risks, and risk aggregation/attribution. Case studies will also show concrete examples of risk-to-business management and decision-making, including setting and monitoring risk limits; testing the effects of alternative investment approaches; steering business based on risk; and analyzing proposed corporate actions (e.g., mergers, acquisitions, divestitures).
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Dana Hunt, Director, Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Panelists: Andrew Dansereau, Senior Manager - Insurance Solutions, IBM; Dr. Tobias Herwig, Group Risk, Allianz; Tarun Varma, Director Risk Management, Pacific Life

C-19: Risk Principles for Asset Managers

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Mark Abbott, Managing Director, Head of Quantitative Risk, Guardian Life
Panelists: Kenneth Winston, Chief Risk Officer, Western Asset Management Company; Enrique Dick, Head of U.S. Risk, Allianz Global Investors; Kevin W. Brennan, Head of Enterprise Risk Management, Western Asset Management Company

C-18: Return on Economic Capital Frameworks: Design and Implementation Challenges

In this discussion on the challenges of designing and implementing a return on economic capital (EC) framework, panelists will address the following key issues: balance between internal and external capital amounts; linkage of EC to risk appetite; allocation of diversification benefits; and measurement of performance at business unit level.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Adam Walter, Director of Economic Performance Analytics, Allstate
Panelists: Adam Walter, Director of Economic Performance Analytics, Allstate; Tim Borst, Senior Manager, Allstate

C-17: Presentation of Winning ERM Papers

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Lingang Zhang, Actuary, Liberty Mutual
Panelists: John Manistre, Research Actuary, GGY AXIS; Dave Ingram, Executive Vice President, Willis Re; Christos Ellinas, Research Engineer, Systemic Consult

C-16: Practical Considerations in Capital Management Reporting

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Thomas McIntyre, Principal, KPMG
Panelists: Thomas McIntyre, Principal, KPMG; Carl Groth, Managing Director, KPMG; Kyle Struble, Director, Financial Analysis, Liberty Mutual

C-15: Leading Model Risk Management Practices

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Maryellen Coggins, Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Panelists: Maryellen Coggins, Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; Kevin Madigan, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; Brian Neary, VP, Chief Operational Risk Officer, The Hartford

C-14: Investment Capital Charges: A Top-Down Observable Price Approach

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Mark Yu, Enterprise Risk and Capital Management Professional, General Re-New England Asset Management
Panelists: Mark Yu, Enterprise Risk and Capital Management Professional, General Re-New England Asset Management; Tobias Gummersbach, Enterprise Risk and Capital Management Professional, General Re - New England Asset Management, Inc.; Erik Thoren, Manager, Ernst & Young

C-13: Global Threats to Cybersecurity

In our current environment of increasingly complex technologies, variable data quality and unequal data structures, it is critical to establish processes that leverage technology to protect from cyber infiltration, attack and compromise. We begin with a broad discussion of the cybersecurity landscape, global threats and best practices. We then discuss the wide-ranging nature and types of cyber threats and potential impacts to third-party liability as well as first-party business interruption and property damage. We conclude by providing insights into the rapidly evolving cybersecurity world and what companies must do to try to keep up with this rapid pace of change.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bill Miller, Director - Actuarial, KPMG Bermuda
Panelists: Bill Miller, Director - Actuarial, KPMG Bermuda; Linda Conrad, Director of Strategic Business Risk, Zurich; Robi Sen, inventor, serial entrepreneur, and futurist

C-12: ERM Technology for Insurance Companies

Advances in technology are opening doors for insurance risk analytics that could never previously be imagined. However, technology is a hugely complex area and, with the decisions around technology potentially involving many millions of dollars, a deep understanding of the options is critical in order to properly establish the best technology solution for a given set of requirements. This panel discussion analyzes the issues raised by technology, including whether the concept of a single integrated risk framework is something that is attainable, and provides tips for how practitioners can best stay on top of the ever-changing technology landscape.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Anna Berezovskaya, Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman
Panelists: Anna Berezovskaya, Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman; Iouri Karpov, Prudential Life; James Brackett, Milliman

C-11: ERM Applications of Proxy Models

Proxy models are becoming increasingly popular as the basis for improving delivery of results for Solvency II and ORSA. This session examines proxy model implementation at a high level and then goes into detail on how they can be extended to become valuable ERM tools for real-time monitoring and decision making in areas such as strategic asset allocation, hedging, pricing and risk based financial management. In addition, practical experiences will be shared on how proxy models have actually been implemented in production reporting, including lessons learned.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Mark Mennemeyer, Consultant, Towers Watson
Panelists: Clint Thompson, CRO & SVP, Hannover Life Re America; Adam Koursaris, Towers Watson

C-10: Enhancing Our Risk Appetite Framework: A Case Study

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Rebecca Scotchie, VP, IDI Recently Issued Finance, UNUM Group

C-9: Emerging Risks

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Max Rudolph, Owner, Rudolph Financial Consulting
Panelists: Brian Poppe, VP and Actuary, ERM, Mutual of Omaha

C-8: Effective Risk Reporting for Insurance Companies

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Tony Dardis, Consulting Actuary, Milliman

C-7: C-ROSS: China Risk-Oriented Solvency System

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: August Chow, Retired
Panelists: Qu Liu, Assistant President & Chief Actuary, Taikang Life Insurance Co.; Lan Wu, Dean, Department of Financial Mathematics, Peking University

C-6: CRO Communications to Key Stakeholders

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Dana Hunt, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Panelists: Chris Freese, Chief Risk Officer - U.S. Insurance Solutions, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Principal Financial Group

C-5: Case Study: Keys to Successful ERM Program Design & Implementation

ERM programs often face obstacles to achieving full potential. The most common symptoms are (a) incomplete buy-in from internal stakeholders; and (b) incomplete integration of ERM into decision making. These are often the result of suboptimal elements in ERM program design and/or implementation. In this session, we discuss the keys to correcting these suboptimal elements, addressing: ERM framework; qualitative risk assessments; ERM models; risk scenario development and quantification; quantification of enterprise risk exposure; defining risk appetite quantitatively; and internal risk disclosures to the board of directors. Each of these elements will be discussed and illustrated with a recent case study.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Sim Segal, President, SimErgy Consulting
Panelists: Sim Segal, President, SimErgy Consulting; Dave Raszeja, Chief Ethics and Risk Officer, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.

C-4: Case Study: How ERM Helped Turn Around Failing Programs

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Elaine Lajeunesse, Vice President and Chief Risk Officer Insurance
Panelists: Grover Edie, President, GME Risk & Actuarial Services, LLC

C-3: Bringing It All Together - Comparing Risk & Capital Regimes Globally

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: David Payne, Senior Manager, EY
Panelists: David Payne, Senior Manager, EY; David Paul, Executive Director, Ernst & Young; Javier Galiana, Vice President Capital & Risk Management, Liberty International

C-2: Bridging the Gap from Key Risk Assessment to Economic Capital Modeling

Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: General Session
Moderators: Chris Suchar, Managing Director, Conning
Panelists: Chris Suchar, Managing Director, Conning; Vikas Shah, Consulting Actuary, Milliman; Sheila Colgan, Senior Director, Treasury, UnitedHeath Group Incorporated

C-1: Applying ERM Concepts from ASOP 46 & 47

In this session, we clarify several key ERM concepts as defined in ASOPs 46 and 47. Using a sample company example, we illustrate a variety of ERM concepts, such as economic capital and risk and its various aspects: limit, appetite, tolerance, profile and risk mitigation. We also examine choices facing the sample company to highlight the ERM process and professional ERM considerations. The issues covered are relevant to actuaries in all lines of business. An electronic copy of the dynamic spreadsheet used to illustrate the sample company will be made available; attendees will find this useful for what-if analyses to further their learnings on this topic.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Featured Speaker
Moderators: Allen Jacobson, Actuarial Director, USAA
Panelists: Allen Jacobson, Actuarial Director, USAA; Maryellen Coggins, Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Managing Cyber Risk at P&C Insurers

Cyber risk is no longer an emerging risk, as everyone knows it has arrived. The risk management challenge for P&C insurers is more complicated than in other economic sectors; in addition to their own operational risk, carriers have assumed this risk from policyholders and/or ceding companies – sometimes unwittingly. In this session a former senior officer in the US intelligence community will discuss the nature of the underlying risk and an ERM professional in the P&C industry will address the management challenges faced by insurers. We will discuss assumed cyber insurance risk, operational risk, risk accumulations, and ways that ERM functions at P&C insurers can help manage cyber risk and partner with the underwriting and pricing functions to do so without unduly constraining opportunities to profit from the issuance of cyber coverages.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management for the P&C Actuary
Type: General Session
Moderators: John Zhou
Panelists: Kevin Madigan, Susan Witcraft

Weaving ERM into the Fabric of your Operations

The most effective ERM programs are those that get integrated into the daily operations. Creating value through the ERM program means the end users need to find the process informative and not overly intrusive. The panel will discuss pitfalls and wins from linking their daily charge to the entity's ERM program. Areas that will be explored will include board interaction, actuarial, underwriting, investments, marketing, and claims.
Source: 2015 Enterprise Risk Management for the P&C Actuary
Type: General Session
Moderators: John Zhou
Panelists: Barry Franklin, Chris Dougherty, Elizabeth Haar