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CAS research committees have oversight responsibility for the various CAS research prizes, including those chosen as part of call paper programs. Certain prizes, such as the Hachemeister Prize and Michelbacher Significant Achievement Award, have a committee solely devoted to picking prizewinners. But, for call paper programs, a prize committee with a separate prize committee chairperson should be selected to coordinate each prize paper selection.
USE OF TITLES AND DESIGNATIONSPrecept 12 and Section 1 of Article III of the Constitution are concerned primarily with the use of titles by members and, in particular, with designations related to the Society. The purpose of this material is to clarify the proper use of a designation. For this purpose, the term title means any title conferred by an employer or actuarial organization related to a specific position within that employer or actuarial organization.
ANTITRUST COMPLIANCE POLICY(As Adopted February 12, 1993)POLICYThe antitrust laws are among the most important of all federal and state laws affecting associations such as the Casualty Actuarial Society. The purpose of the antitrust laws is to preserve fair and honest competition. It is the longstanding and undeviating policy of the Casualty Actuarial Society to comply in all respects with the letter and spirit of the antitrust laws.
Theory of Risk PrizeThis award is made to the author of the best paper submitted in response to a call for theory of risk discussion papers whenever the program is conducted by the Committee on Theory of Risk of the Casualty Actuarial Society. Papers are judged by a specially appointed review committee on the basis of applied orientation, theoretical soundness, recognition of different sources of uncertainty, and illustration of method through an example that can be replicated.
Working Papers are works in progress reflecting ideas or concepts that are in development and for which the author is inviting discussion. The Working Paper section allows authors to more quickly disseminate new ideas than would be possible with a printed publication. Discussions of Working Papers are encouraged and will be posted along with the papers. With feedback on the paper, authors can modify their work and prepare the paper for submission to a publication.Both CAS members and nonmembers can submit Working Papers and comment on existing Working Papers.
Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) Sample TestingThe following demonstration exams are a resource developed with questions from previous exams. The purpose is for the candidates to prepare for the exam environment by reviewing previous exam material with the features and functions of the Pearson VUE CBT environment.MODERN ACTUARIAL STATISTICS I DEMO EXAM
Agreement is made effective the _____ day of _______________, 20__ by and between the Casualty Actuarial Society ("CAS") and _________________________ ("CONSULTANT"). Based on mutual consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are acknowledged, the CAS agrees to contract for the services of the CONSULTANT, and the CONSULTANT agrees to provide services under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.I. STATEMENT OF WORK