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CAS Exam Registration Opens August 5, 2024

Registration for the upcoming October/November 2024 exams will open on August 5, 2024. Additional information can be found on the Exam Registration webpage

To help address concerns around study strategies and timing, the upcoming October/November sitting window has been extended as follows: 

MAS I & MAS II – October 30, 2024 – November 12, 2024* 

Exams 5, 6C, 6I, 6U, and 8 – October 23, 2024- November 5, 2024 

*Some test centers may be closed on 11/11 for Veterans Day. 

We understand that this does not fully address the shortened timeline before the exam window opens, however, this one-week extension seeks a balance between providing candidates additional time to study and the ability of CAS stakeholders to provide on-time results for the next sitting to prevent a “domino” effect of delay of future sittings. 

For candidates sitting in Quebec, exams MAS-I, MAS-II, 5, 6C, and PCPA are available in English and French for the October/November 2024 sitting.   

The Property & Casualty Predictive Analytics (PCPA) Exam and Project is currently open for registration. Exams are offered continually, and the next project window is September 15-30, 2024. For more information or to register for PCPA, visit the PCPA webpage. The PCPA will be a requirement for ACAS starting with the October/November 2025 administration. 

Thank you,
CAS Office