Members of Other Actuarial Organizations

Members of Other Actuarial Organizations

For individuals of actuarial organizations that are a member of the International Association of Actuaries (IAA), the CAS will grant waivers for its preliminary examinations/educational requirements as defined by the Executive Council (CAS Exams 1, 2, and 3F, and Validation by Educational Experience requirements) provided that the organization’s individual member achieved the highest possible designation in that organization and has been practicing as a professional actuary for at least two years subsequent to obtaining the qualification.

Candidates of Other Actuarial Organizations

Actuarial organizations that are full members of the IAA and have an exam-based admissions requirement may request that the CAS grant waivers to its individual candidates for the CAS preliminary examinations/educational requirements—as a cohort for CAS Exams 1, 2, and 3F, and Validation by Educational Experience requirements—based on credit for their examinations that meet certain IAA requirements. An actuarial organization should contact the CAS at for the requirements to obtain this approval. All organization submissions are subject to the approval of the vice president-admissions and Executive Council.

Data Insurance Series Courses (DISCs) and VEE

DISCs: The CAS will grant a waiver of CAS Online Course 1, Risk Management and Insurance Operations, to those who have the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation. Candidates who pass CSPA Course 2 (Data Concepts and Visualization) be eligible for a waiver for CAS course Disc DA.

Validation by Educational Experience: Unlike other CAS admissions requirements, the Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) requirements are generally fulfilled outside an actuarial organization. Candidates requesting waiver of any VEE requirements based on actuarial exams should follow the procedure for requesting a waiver. Most candidates, however, will fulfill the VEE requirements through approved educational experiences and must submit the Application for Validation by Educational Experience Credit. Details are provided in the VEE section of this Syllabus.

Waiver Request Process

For a waiver of a CAS admissions requirement that has an approved waiver policy stated above, candidates should present their request to the CAS with appropriate evidence that demonstrates the passing of (or score on) the educational equivalent for which a waiver is requested. Please address all waiver requests to

Requests for waivers for CAS admissions requirements for which there currently is no approved waiver policy are considered on a case-by-case basis. Candidates must present their requests to the CAS and include with their applications documented evidence that demonstrates the asserted equivalence, as well as the appropriate educational policy material of their local actuarial organization or appropriate educational organization. If such material is not included, the CAS will request it from the candidates. The vice president-admissions will review all such requests and, when appropriate, recommend action to the Executive Council.

Society of Actuaries (SOA)

The CAS recognizes the SOA exams listed on the chart within the Waivers of Examinations section of the Syllabus of Basic Education. Candidates can have their exam results verified and updated in the CAS candidate database by visiting the CAS Portal.

International Waiver Policies

Canadian Institute of Actuaries

The CAS recognizes the exam waivers granted by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries University Accreditation Program for CAS Exams 1, 2 and 3F, and under previous education structures for CAS Exam 4 (see below). The CAS will only grant waivers for CIA UAP exam credits that were awarded based on work at universities in Canada. The list of candidates granted waivers by the CIA is provided to the CAS following the end of a semester. The CAS automatically updates its records. No further action is required of candidates.


· For Exam 1, starting with courses given in summer of 2019, the CIA UAP will recognize courses completed with a minimum grade requirement at many of the 11 accredited universities in Canada.

· Under previous education structures, the CAS recognized the exam waivers for CAS Exams 3L and LC.

· If a candidate has been granted a waiver for CAS Exam 4 under the University Accreditation Program through course work completed by 12/31/2018, then they will receive credit for CAS Exam 4 and subsequently CAS Exam MAS-II.

Starting in 2019, a candidate completing both the CIA Professionalism Workshop and the Practice Education Course (PEC) will receive credit for the CAS Course on Professionalism.

The CAS recognizes the preliminary examinations sponsored by the China Association of Actuaries (CAA) that were administered prior to 2021. Credit will be granted for examinations passed or waived in accordance with examination equivalencies between the CAS syllabus and the syllabi of the China Association of Actuaries.

Starting in 2025, candidates who have completed the ACIA requirements for Pathway 1- including a qualifying university degree and the Capstone exam with the Short-Term section-are eligible for waivers for CAS Exam 1, Exam 2, MAS I, and MAS II. Please note, the ACIA modules 1 and 2 are not required for this waiver since candidates must still complete the CAS DISCs to achieve their ACAS.

China Association of Actuaries

The CAS recognizes the preliminary examinations sponsored by the China Association of Actuaries (CAA) that were administered prior to 2021. Credit will be granted for examinations passed or waived in accordance with examination equivalencies between the CAS syllabus and the syllabi of the China Association of Actuaries.

The CAS will not grant credit for examinations waived on account of academic records achieved in U.S. universities, nor for credit granted to candidates not qualifying directly in obtaining membership through the normal qualification/examination process.

Credit will not be given to Fellows of the CAA who have attained their designation through mutual recognition rather than through the organization’s standard credentialing process. Fellows by mutual recognition should pursue examination waivers based on their original credentials.

The CAS has approved the following waiver policy:


CAA Exam

Waiver Granted for CAS Exam/Educational Experience


Exam 1


Exam 2


Exam MAS-I




VEE-Accounting and Finance


Note: Waivers granted under the previous “cohort” policy will not be revoked.

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (U.K.), Actuaries Institute (Australia), Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA), and Institute of Actuaries of India Examinations

The CAS recognizes some of the examinations sponsored by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (United Kingdom), Actuaries Institute (Australia), Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA), and the Institute of Actuaries of India. Credit will be granted for examinations passed or waived in accordance with examination equivalencies between the CAS syllabus and the syllabi of each of the aforementioned actuarial organizations.

The CAS will not grant credit for examinations waived on account of academic records achieved in U.S. universities, nor for credit granted to candidates not qualifying directly in obtaining membership through the normal qualification/examination process.

Credit will not be given to Fellows of these actuarial organizations who have attained their designation through mutual recognition rather than through the organization’s standard credentialing process. Fellows by mutual recognition should pursue examination waivers based on their original credentials.

The CAS has approved the following waiver policy:


Subject of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (U.K.), Actuaries Institute (Australia), and Institute of Actuaries of India

Subject of the Actuarial Society of South Africa

Waiver Granted for CAS Exam/Educational Experience

CT2 or CB1

A103 orA113

VEE-Accounting and Finance

CT7 or CB2

A102 or A112


CT3 or CS1

A101 or A111

Exam 1

CT1 or CM1

A201 or A211

Exam 2

CT3, CT4, and CT6

(passed after 9/1/2016)


CS1 and CS2

A101, A202, and A204

(passed after 9/1/2016)


A111 and A212

Exam MAS-I

Candidates who earned CT8 or CM1 from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (U.K.), Actuaries Institute (Australia), and Institute of Actuaries of India or who eared A205 or A214 from the Actuarial Society of South Africa prior to 2023 can receive credit for Exam 3F and do not need to take DISC DA.