
Exams & Admissions
April May CAS Exams
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions, Membership / Notices to Members
The Exam Committee needs volunteers for spring grading.
Exams & Admissions
The methods I’m sharing below might not collectively buy you a lot of time, but they just might buy you enough to pass.
Exams & Admissions
Find changes to the Fall 2020 CAS Syllabus of Basic Education in the attached document.
Exams & Admissions
The syllabus for this four-hour exam is defined in the form of learning objectives, knowledge statements, and readings.
Exams & Admissions
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) joined over 650 actuarial science students and 41 sponsors at the ANÉA-ASNA 2020 Convention January 14-16, 2020 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, hosted by Canada's Actuarial Students' National Association.
Exams & Admissions, University Programs
Tommy Anderson writes about why applied for a 2019 CAS Trust Scholarship and how it has benefitted him.
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions