
Exams & Admissions
April May CAS Exams
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions
In response to the feedback we received from candidates who took the Fall 2020 CAS exams through computer-based testing, we have added a new tool to assist with your preparation. Pearson VUE has posted a blank sample worksheet for candidates to build and practice in their spreadsheet environment. Candidates can find the blank sample worksheet on the Pearson VUE/CAS website under “Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) Sample Testing.”
Exams & Admissions
The CAS has approved the following changes for the Fall 2021 syllabus. Other changes that may be made include modifications to Learning Objectives and Knowledge Statements, as well as edition changes to current citations.
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions, Membership / Notices to Members
The letter below was sent to all CAS candidates earlier today in response to their concerns regarding the Spring 2021 exam sitting. As members have also contacted us with concerns, we wanted to make sure all members were aware of this information provided to candidates.
Exams & Admissions, CAS News
The CAS expects to release results for the Fall 2020 MAS exams on Thursday, January 14.
Exams & Admissions
Registration Opens for the Spring 2021 CAS Exam Sitting: MAS-I, MAS-II, 5, 6-Canada, 6-US, 7, 8 and 9
Exams & Admissions
Registration Opens for the April 2021 UK SP9 Exam for CERA Designation
Exams & Admissions
The CAS has released its schedule of 2021 examinations, which will be administered via computer-based testing at Pearson VUE.
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions