
Exams & Admissions
April May CAS Exams
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions
The CAS has completed its first exam sittings with Pearson VUE, MAS-I on November 10 and MAS-II on November 13.
Exams & Admissions
The CAS will work with affected candidates to reschedule the exam in accordance with Pearson guidelines.
Exams & Admissions
The 2020 CAS Annual Meeting kicked off on Monday, November 9 with a virtual celebration of our new Associates and Fellows!
Exams & Admissions
The Oct. 28, 2020 webinar for candidates featured a conversation with CAS leadership on the latest regarding delivery of exams via computer-based testing (CBT). Learn how to view the full recording.
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions
Exams & Admissions, Membership / Notices to Members
Exams & Admissions, Membership / Notices to Members
CAS CEO Victor Carter Bey shared a video message with Fall Exam Candidates.
Exams & Admissions
The CAS has developed a CBT tutorial video to accompany the sample questions and example solutions for CAS Exams 5-9.
Exams & Admissions
As a working mother of an overly energetic 2-year old, I wanted to share some QUICK tips on how to find balance during this pandemic (especially since now many of us are starting to study again!)